Synchronize support layer height.
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Synchronize support layer height.  

New Member
Synchronize support layer height.


I've been using Simplify3D for a year now. Just recently discovered PrusaSlicer, and oh my.. Do I regret giving my money to the S3D guys  and not you.

I do have one small issue though.

PrusaSlicers variable support layer height.
For some reason, my printer handle that very poorly. And it is torturing me that the "Synchronize support layer height" function is available, but only for multiple extruder setup. Even more so, because I have to go back to (f*cking) S3D for prints that need support structure. 🤮 
The program clearly supports the function. Why force people to not have the choice?

What is the reason behind it, and will it change in the future?

Please. No more S3D.

Opublikowany : 23/05/2020 7:43 am
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