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Supports for connectors?  

Active Member
Supports for connectors?

I'm experiencing the exact same issue as described here -->

I was just wondering if this has been patched, actioned or even acknowledged at all.

Got some large parts and the slicer generates way more supports than necessary, leading to over 100g of wasted filament. Not ideal.

Any info/updates would be awesome.

Napsal : 26/05/2024 2:27 am
Reputable Member
RE: Supports for connectors?

I have read your question and checked the github question (also tested that file on my prusaslicer 2.7.4) and, must be my lack of intelligence, but I cannot reproduce the issue. 
1: cut a piece with connectors 
2. use the paint on supports tool to put some points on the object where I want a support
3. select "for support enforcers only". 
4. slice and get exactly what I expected.
Made a testfile to check this: 
- cylinder -> cut in an angle  with connectors. . one part is hidden > the other part standing on angled cut
- painted on a support . choose "for support enforcers" only , slice 

This is the result. See attached 3mf (in zip)

Regards, Eef

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Napsal : 26/05/2024 1:23 pm
Irav88 se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Supports for connectors?

Try with auto-generate supports -- My part is quite complex and the probability of me missing a critical point for supports could be medium-high, so I been doing everything with auto-gen. 

I tried painting support blockers and/or placing a support blocked modifier (box), but still it seems to override everything and creates supports anyways.

Napsal : 26/05/2024 1:34 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Supports for connectors?

OK. Understood.  See manual for the correct key short cuts:  
1. In paint support select Automatic Painting.
2. Set angle to about 45-50 degrees (most printers do well up to 50 degrees)
3. Enforce
Now you see where the supports will be placed. 
4. Use the tool (Left Shift + Left Mouse) to erase what you do not want. 
I did not all but you can see where I have been erasing.

When happy slice. 
NB: You have to find some strategy combining the automatic part with adding supports with erasing supports. 
PS:  I love the organic supports. less filament and much easier to remove. 
PS2: For complecated stuff, also check what happens if you set the object on a 45 degree angle. You get more support to the bottom, but if well done, much less support elsewhere. 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Napsal : 26/05/2024 4:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Supports for connectors?

The fundamental problem is that you can not paint surfaces that don't exist.  Therefore you can not block them or enforce them with the paint tools.  Any modification using a modifier (such as a negative cut) then those faces do not exist on the model in reality, there are no actual changes to the model geometry, they are just applied at slice time.  This same issue applies to connectors as they are a type of modifier.  

That is why you have to use the workaround suggested G-Click in the github post about using a modifier mesh to block or support an area.  Modifiers are applied to everything that intersects their volume.  Basically it is hard/impossible to mix painting and modifiers effectivlye for the same areas.

It is why long time users always suggest making changes to the models directly so that they are baked in whenever possible, that way the paint tools can be used.  

Probably why its not been 'fixed' yet as its fundamentally very hard to do.  PS would have to add some way to apply the geometry changes to the underlying model.  Something its not really designed to do as it is not a CAD package, exporting with negative volumes rarely works properly for example.  Once applied it would then not be available for the undo function.  You are essentially talking about completely rewriting the base code.  

CAD package for model editing and a Slicer for Slicing.  Software that tries to do everything are usually poor at everything.

Napsal : 30/05/2024 12:24 pm
Irav88 se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Supports for connectors?

I did try with a modifier box (blocker) but it still ignores it.

i just went with it and printed the part. Not ideal to have that wastage but editing the part manually to get the connectors and all would've been too much of a hassle. I guess that's the idea behind the split and create connectors function in the slicer, to avoid the hassle of manually splitting things and modifying geometries.

I would've done it by hand if I hadn't already printed the other half as then trying to accurately match the connector location, size and fit would've wasted way more time and effort than wasting some plastic. (As always, the environment always cops it)

it would be nice to see some fix to this. I tried a few things but the supports on the connector holes was beyond the slicer capabilities. (As you say, can't modify a geometry that doesn't really exist until is calculated)

Napsal : 30/05/2024 12:48 pm