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support prusa slicer  

New Member
support prusa slicer

bonjour tous le monde

merci de m avoir accepter dans votre groupe

je sollicite votre aide car j utilise prusa slicer comme logiciel

et j ais des soucis pour retirer les supports

avez des reglages a me conseiller

merci d avance

si joint la photo de mes reglages support

Hello everyone

thank you for accepting me in your group

I request your help because I use Prusa Slicer as software

and I have trouble removing the supports

have settings to advise me

thank you in advance

if attached the photo of my settings support

Posted : 25/08/2019 10:03 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: support prusa slicer

I cant see your settings as your image is too small.  The image settings on the forum are very bad, you need to link to the media usually which isnt the default.

Anyway I have found that the default contact z setting of 0.1 is too small and does make supports difficult to remove.  I usually set mine to 0.2mm and I think Bob sets his to 0.25.  Located in Print Settings >Support Settings > Contact Z Distance

Posted : 26/08/2019 8:05 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: support prusa slicer

Posted : 26/08/2019 10:12 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: support prusa slicer

merci pour ta reponse j ais remodifier la photo

Posted : 26/08/2019 10:12 am