Support layers only printing every 4 layers making a mess
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[Solved] Support layers only printing every 4 layers making a mess  

Active Member
Support layers only printing every 4 layers making a mess

Maybe a recent bug? I've never seen this happening before. Been using Slic3r then PrusaSlicer for years.

EDIT: Would seem to be a duplicate with this other recent post on the forum: Issues with supports. I am also using a 0.6mm nozzle and in my case 0.28mm layers. (It's a large part.)

Support layers in the attached 3mf are printing only about every 4 layers. The gaps a waaaay too large, resulting in the mess depicted in the attached image.

Infill has the "Combine infill every X layers" option but there's nothing of the sort for supports. So, I have no idea why this "optimization" is occurring. 

Is there a fix I can apply somewhere in settings? Thanks.


This topic was modified 2 years ago by gruvin
Posted : 22/01/2023 7:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Support layers only printing every 4 layers making a mess

No attached 3mf.  You did remember to zip it up before attaching it didn't you ?

Posted : 22/01/2023 8:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Support layers only printing every 4 layers making a mess

I did not. Thanks. (I don't have it now.)

Also it seems I never hit submit on my most recent edit -- EDIT 2 :/

The problem was that my extruder minimum height had somehow been set to 0.94mm. Definitely not me or only me, by the sounds of things. I'm guessing something got mangled in an upgrade database conversions or whatever.

Posted by: @neophyl

No attached 3mf.  You did remember to zip it up before attaching it didn't you ?


Posted : 24/01/2023 8:06 pm