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Support for Elegoo Mars?  

Reputable Member
Support for Elegoo Mars?

I'm used to PrusaSlicer on my MK3s/MMU2s and would like to also use it for slicer for an Elegoo Mars SLA printer.  Any suggestions or tips on how this may be possible as I'd prefer not to also learn ChiTuBox slicer.



Best Answer by Neophyl:

Potential troll here by the previous definition but I would like to point out that proper feature requests should be made at the Prusa Slicer github and not in the user to user forum here.  While the devs do occasionally pop in here its not that often.  Besides github threads get a number and are tracked and may possibly get added to a todo list some day.  Along with the 1700 other open issues lol.

The github is located here for future reference

I do believe the request has already been made however

given the potential difference in peoples usernames possibly by one of you fine people in the first place, I cant tell.


Postato : 11/10/2019 11:37 pm
Pappabees, e hanno apprezzato
New Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

I would also be really interested in this. I'm already used to the prusaslicer from using my mk3, but I'm looking into the Elegoo Mars as an entry-level resin printer with the definite possibility of upgrading to the SL1 once I get the hang of resin printing and feel that I've outgrown the Mars or want the quality-of-life improvements of the SL1 and CW1. I would really like to stick to one slicer if possible.

Postato : 04/12/2019 2:50 pm
ekmek e hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

I'd love to see this also.  I use PrusaSlicer for my Mk3 and ChituBox just bugs me by comparison.  I know PrusaSlicer supports lots of FDM printers, I'm hoping the same will happen for SLA printers.

Postato : 05/12/2019 3:46 am
Active Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

I vote for this as well

Postato : 05/04/2020 4:48 am
Noble Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

I realize my opinion may upset the posters in this thread but I fail to understand why Prusa would support their competitors or more to the point why you would expect them to.

Postato : 05/04/2020 2:43 pm
Active Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

@towlerg It's actually quite simple really,  Why would you not want to become the go to product for support of any printer and thus have a larger Brand.  increasing ones Brand is what all commercial company in good conscience want.  Having a product that can have custom support for printers and be even more customization and supported by 3d people of all kinds makes you a force to be reckoned with.  But then if you just want to stay all to yourself and not push any boundaries then I suppose what you offer in your comment is the way to go.    Companies that thrive in the global economy are not usually the ones that work in a vacuum nor support only themselves.  

Postato : 05/04/2020 10:21 pm
Noble Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?


I could not disagree more. I would have thought that the Prusa brand was readily identified by anyone with even stretchy info about 3d printing.

"Companies that thrive in the global economy are not usually the ones that work in a vacuum nor support only themselves." Thats just plain wrong. Do you have a commercial example of that?  Think of say Hdd/Sdd's, each manufacturer supplies utilities which will only run on their drives, even though they're using the same chip set.

If I were a Prusa customer I would feel aggrieved if improvements and fixes to the slicer were delayed so that resources could be redirected to support 3rd party printers.

I'm done with this thread but if you feel the need to have the last word, have at it.

Postato : 06/04/2020 10:11 am
Active Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

Wow big surprise another person who disagrees with people on the internet and has to voice their opinion on how anyone is wrong.  thanks for being done with the tread if you disagree with something or someones request no one cares why.  This was simply a vote to please add something if they want.  If Prusa doesn't want to do it it isn't like anyone is breaking their arm or calling them out for being terrible here.  It was a simple request but then no one these days can request anything without a bunch of trolls jumping all over them and saying how dare you all ask for something.   

Postato : 06/04/2020 4:44 pm
D Slattery hanno apprezzato
New Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

Im voting too for the Mars pro 2.

Postato : 07/01/2021 9:48 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

Potential troll here by the previous definition but I would like to point out that proper feature requests should be made at the Prusa Slicer github and not in the user to user forum here.  While the devs do occasionally pop in here its not that often.  Besides github threads get a number and are tracked and may possibly get added to a todo list some day.  Along with the 1700 other open issues lol.

The github is located here for future reference

I do believe the request has already been made however

given the potential difference in peoples usernames possibly by one of you fine people in the first place, I cant tell.


Postato : 07/01/2021 12:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?
Posted by: @pappabees

@towlerg It's actually quite simple really,  Why would you not want to become the go to product for support of any printer and thus have a larger Brand.  increasing ones Brand is what all commercial company in good conscience want.  Having a product that can have custom support for printers and be even more customization and supported by 3d people of all kinds makes you a force to be reckoned with.

I think Prusa has recognized this, and the latest versions of PrusaSlicer have made integrating 3rd party printers into the slicer straightforward. Software development is something the quality printer manufacturers like Prusa (PrusaSlicer), Ultimaker (Cura), and Raise3D (ideaMaker) do not charge for but invest large amounts of money and effort in. What Prusa is also aware of is that the cheap printer companies will parasite off Prusa's support, saving themselves the cost of software development. Hang out in the various 3D printing communities or sketchy "support" sites many of the inexpensive printer manufacturers run, and you'll see them pointing users to Prusa support.

What Prusa has, wisely IMO, done is allow 3rd party profiles to be integrated, but requiring either the community or other manufacturers to do any development work, even going so far as to not provide filament profiles to 3rd party printers in the default configuration. It's trivial to add them yourself, but Prusa is not going to pay to do so. If you feel strongly about adding support for your printer, you can certainly do so. If a printer manufacturer want's to spend some time and effort providing strong support for their customers by developing tuned profiles, they can do so. If none of these apply, why should another company foot the bill?

But then if you just want to stay all to yourself and not push any boundaries then I suppose what you offer in your comment is the way to go.    Companies that thrive in the global economy are not usually the ones that work in a vacuum nor support only themselves.  

Prusa is already thriving globally and is hardly working in a vacuum. Most of the inexpensive printers out there have design origins that diverge only slightly from the original Prusa open-source designs, which were themselves based on open-source designs. The trick is to stick to open-source ethos -- which Prusa is doing -- while competing against numerous knock-off manufacturers selling your own designs while not playing by the open-source rules themselves.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 07/01/2021 4:07 pm
Active Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

Any word if PrusaSlicer will support Elegoo Mars?

Postato : 27/03/2021 8:12 pm
New Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?


Unlikely, but you can kinda-sorta use it. Set up prusaslicer for the SL1, do the orientation and supports, then export the plate + supports as an STL. Import that info chitubox to do the actual slicing for the Elegoo printers. That's been my workflow for over a year.

Postato : 27/03/2021 9:51 pm
D Slattery e hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: Support for Elegoo Mars?

PrusaSlicer already supports competitors for both FFF and MSLA, but not all printer settings are posted as options to be set into configuration.  For example, the Anycubic FFF and MSLA printers are listed, but the Elegoo FFF is only listed.  So it is probably only because Prusa has not been able to test new MSLA printers that there is no configuration for them. 

Postato : 20/11/2023 4:11 am