Suggestion for validation error or warning message
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Suggestion for validation error or warning message  

New Member
Suggestion for validation error or warning message


I recently switched to a .6 nozzle to print a bit faster.  Some prints completed ok, but many failed.  Benchy and xyz calibration cube prints failed always.  The print would get knocked off the bed and the hotend would just spew a mess of strings.  After I had gathered a handful of failed prints, I realized that they all failed at or around the same height.  This led me to thinking it was a mechanical issue, re-working first layer, bed leveling, rebuilding z-axis, etc.  After about 3 days of tinkering, I took a look at z-hop.  The default zhop value for the filament I was using was .2mm and it dawned on me that I'm printing layers at .3mm.  So at some point, it was very probable that the nozzle would perform a retraction, move, and hit the print, knocking it off the bed... I changed my zhop to .4mm, so that the nozzle would clear any printed layers during movement and my prints stopped failing.

Can you add an error message to the slicer that will warn users of a potential collision, advising them to adjust the filament zhop accordingly?

User clicks "Slice Now", during gcode build, collusion validation runs, something like...

if (layerHeight > zhopHeight) then displayCollisionWarning

I noticed that it only seems to happen on prints that have infills, when printing low height objects without infills, no issues regardless.

I will inevitable forget that this happened and spend another three days debugging.  Please add this error into 2.6 and save me from my forgetfulness.


Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 2 years par Tak
Publié : 02/03/2023 4:19 am
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