Suggested improvements for PS 2.2
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Suggested improvements for PS 2.2  

Mauricio Moraes
Suggested improvements for PS 2.2

Prusa Slicer is by far, one of the best slicers available out there. However, there are few things that would be nice to have or be able to do:

1- Line preview: PS has a scroll bar that only allows layer by layer preview, but sometimes, it is important to see where the line starts and ends.

2- First layer speed should be moved to the filament settings. Different types of filaments require different first layer speeds

3- Ability to modify / save system presets without the need of saving a new one. I understand this is a little trick because the preset is overwritten every time there is a preset update but the  question "Do you want to update it" is already there and the user has to choose to make the change.

4. Ability to delete added / unused printer presets

5- Addition of a Total number of layers that can be added in the layer change gcode. 

This topic was modified před 5 years 3 times by Mauricio Moraes
Napsal : 12/12/2019 7:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Suggested improvements for PS 2.2

This is a peer to peer forum,its pretty rare for the devs to post here.  If you really want to make suggestions post over on prusa slicers Github page

Put each of your suggestions into a separate issue.  That way they can all be tracked and considered individually by the system/devs.  You have a far higher chance of getting traction that way.

You will also find that several of those suggestions are already on the system and have been for some time.

Napsal : 13/12/2019 8:20 am
Active Member
RE: Suggested improvements for PS 2.2


Unfortunately when i go to that site it requires a device verification code that is supposed to be sent by email, no email is ever received, as such no ability to comment. options????

Napsal : 14/12/2019 11:30 pm