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Slicer precision question.  

Reputable Member
Slicer precision question.

There are options for fine tuning the XYZE axis to ensure that they are at the correct steps/mm.  A stl file will be precise due to the CAD software used.  For a CNC, you can set the tool diameter and the path software will compensate for the tool.

My question regarding Prusa slicer, does it take into account the "squish" of the filament when it calculates the path?  Over a long distance, this may not be a big issue, but for small parts, it could become critical.  For holes and fittings, it is critical.  I don't see any setting in the slicer software for that so I am expecting it to be hard coded someplace.

Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2023 10:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Slicer precision question.

There are settings for xy adjustment and of course the first layer elephants foot squish compensation.  For holes etc there is no compensation beyond that in Prusa Slicer either hard coded or otherwise.

Please search the github for Prusa Slicer to learn about all the requests and debates around this.  For example -

to illustrate a few.

Super Slicer has some extra compensation settings available but PS does not yet.

Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2023 10:26 pm
Reputable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Slicer precision question.

Thanks for the info.  Will have to do some tests to see how close I can get my printer.  Never thought of looking at the feature requests.


Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2023 10:45 pm