segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
I'm invoking the slicer from the command line to generate .gcode like this:
"/Applications/Original Prusa Drivers/" --export-gcode --output hack.gcode --load hack.ini hack.stl
and I'm getting a segmentation fault. It works fine with this print configuration when I load the slicer, import the .STL, and generate the .GCODE in the GUI.
I tried to do binary search to find a problem entry in the .ini file, and it seems like there isn't one -- it works fine (no crash) if I reduce the .ini to about 10 lines, but it doesn't seem to matter which 10 lines. This is with 2.9.1, though I think i saw this is in 2.9.0, and I know it worked in earlier versions (though I can't swear to the last version it worked in with out crashing).
hack.ini is attached, and it doesn't seem to matter which .STL file is used.
The .ini file is newly generated from a fresh install of PrusaSlicer with only about 4 or 5 setting changed, and they were changed in the GUI.
No sign of your file(s) - you need to zip them before posting.
RE: segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
Seems like the post should fail when the attachment isn't zipped if that's a requirement.
Here it is.
@foxrun3d - can you help with this; I think you run Macs & Mk4?
@dcorbin13 - Your call is OK once I replace the file paths with mine.
... and that's about as far as I can go. Prusa have not yet updated the flatpak repository, I just checked; so 2.9.0 is the latest version on linux - and I don't run Mk4's so I can't properly test your .ini
Running it under Linux does not crash but exists without an error, which is also weird.
Maybe report it to GitHub?
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
What error were you expecting?
RE: segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
Config load error or something. It just quits not doing anything at all. Haven't tried the debug/trace, though because doing it in flatpak is a bit cumbersome.
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
I looked on GitHub and found this: which ironically lead me to this: (where I reported a similar problem, but maybe not the same) 2 years ago. Trying to see if I can figure out if it's the same problem or not. Looks like there's a fix waiting for the original problem:
RE: segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
Turns out that fix is the one I need.