segmentation fault in PrusaSlicer (command-line)
I'm invoking the slicer from the command line to generate .gcode like this:
"/Applications/Original Prusa Drivers/" --export-gcode --output hack.gcode --load hack.ini hack.stl
and I'm getting a segmentation fault. It works fine with this print configuration when I load the slicer, import the .STL, and generate the .GCODE in the GUI.
I tried to do binary search to find a problem entry in the .ini file, and it seems like there isn't one -- it works fine (no crash) if I reduce the .ini to about 10 lines, but it doesn't seem to matter which 10 lines. This is with 2.9.1, though I think i saw this is in 2.9.0, and I know it worked in earlier versions (though I can't swear to the last version it worked in with out crashing).
hack.ini is attached, and it doesn't seem to matter which .STL file is used.
The .ini file is newly generated from a fresh install of PrusaSlicer with only about 4 or 5 setting changed, and they were changed in the GUI.