PrusaSlicer parsing error and vanishing Prusaslicer.ini.bak
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PrusaSlicer parsing error and vanishing Prusaslicer.ini.bak  

New Member
PrusaSlicer parsing error and vanishing Prusaslicer.ini.bak

Haven´t found anything relevant to my problem, so i felt like posting this here for all others.
I get this error from time to time and just found out that the cause is the missing "prusaslicer.ini.bak"-File in the folder:


[It´s all hidden folders after: "C:User/*USERNAME*/" so make sure to "show hidden files"]


I´m using windows 10 and my workaround is as follows:
Save the complete prusaslicer folder to another "Back-Up-Folder" (this will save your profiles & settings you´ve created in the slicer from deletion).
Then uninstall prusaslicer & do a fresh install right after.
Thus you can save the missing file to your "profies back-up folder" because it´s re-created.
Just Copy the missing file to the original folder, when the slicer gives you this prasing error on startup again.

Only downside:
Prusaslicer will ask you to send data because of "first startup", even when you re-paste the vanishing file later on.

I have no clue WHY this file vanishes, but it indeed does.
Maybe you guys can investigate this more.

[Edit: I´m using prusaslicer V 2.4.0 because i first thought the update would cause this, but it´s presumably not)


Cheers and happy printing.


This topic was modified před 3 years 2 times by Tiggah
Napsal : 08/02/2022 4:06 pm