Prusaslicer help to output filename
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[Rozwiązany] Prusaslicer help to output filename  

Active Member
Prusaslicer help to output filename

This is the default I use right now.

But i have true to insert Timestamp - Year - Date - Hour, but it don't work.

Need help.

Opublikowany : 29/09/2023 12:48 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusaslicer help to output filename

Works for me on Windows 10 with PS 2.6.1

Not sure why you want to insert timestamp as well as year/date/hour as the timestamp has all those in anyway.

For example the following inserted into the Print Settings>Output Options>Output Filename Format field -

When sliced gives "20230929-140340_2023_9_29_14_3_40_Shape-Box_0.2mm_PLA_35m_8g.gcode"  As you can see the first long number is the timestamp, then we have then individual ones you asked for, year_Month_day_hour_minute_second which correspond to the timestamp values, then filename, layer height, filament type, print time, and a total weight (rounded up +1g) in this instance.

Opublikowany : 29/09/2023 1:06 pm