PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-beta1 is OUT!
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PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-beta1 is OUT!  

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Same Old Shane
Utenti Admin
PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-beta1 is OUT!

Hello all;

We are very pleased to announce that PrusaSlicer 2.4.0 has reached the beta level of release with more options and corrections done in this release;


This is the first beta release of PrusaSlicer 2.4.0, following 2.4.0-alpha1, 2.4.0-alpha2 and 2.4.0-alpha3. This beta mostly fixes bugs found in alpha3. For new features in the 2.4.0 series, please read the release logs of the 2.4.0 alphas.

To let you enjoy the beta without worries, the beta builds save their profiles into PrusaSlicer-beta directory, so you may use the beta side by side with the current release without ruining your production configuration. If upgrading from any of the PrusaSlicer 2.4.0 alpha release, you may consider to rename your PrusaSlicer-alpha directory to PrusaSlicer-beta.

Send system info

In order to focus our future effort, we decided to optionally collect some general information about the systems PrusaSlicer is commonly executed on. Such system information will help us to deprecate support of obsolete platforms in order to concentrate on up to date hardware and operating systems to reduce maintenance cost, improve PrusaSlicer performance and to bring up new features. Please help us by submitting your system configuration to us, otherwise it may happen that we will deprecate support of some old or not so common systems too early.

The system configuration data collected is strictly anonymous and the full content of the data collected is available to the user for review from the new "Send system info" dialog. A unique system identifier is generated for the machine submitting the system configuration to identify duplicate records submitted multiple times by the same machine. The unique system identifier is anonymized by hashing with MD5 and salted with a "salt", which is unique to the "system info" service. We believe our method is sufficiently anonymous, however we are certainly open to suggestions by the security experts.

When connected to internet, a dedicated dialog will open on application start up (or second application startup, if Configuration Wizard is opened on first start-up), showing exactly what information PrusaSlicer collects. When confirmed, the data is sent to our server using a secure channel (SSL) and the dialog no more shows up at the following application start-ups. No other data than those presented by the "Send system info" dialog are submitted, and it is not possible to trace one's identity based on the data submitted. One can of course decline to submit the system information data.

FDM support improvements with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha3

FDM supports were improved significantly in PrusaSlicer 2.4.0 alphas. In beta1, the FDM supports were improved further.

A conventional FDM support generator generates support towers based on the differences between successive object layers and PrusaSlicer's support generator is not different. Such a local algorithm often either produces excessive supports, or it does not support long thin features at all. While we are working on a smarter algorithm that takes global geometry of an object into account, it will take us some time to make it ship shape. In the meantime, we made some adjustments to the current local algorithm. Namely, the FDM support generator algorithm was designed before introduction of the support blockers / enforcers and paint-on supports, thus it tried to be smart about not introducing too much supports while not missing supports below thin features, however such algorithm behaved unintuitively. Thus in this release, we switched off some of the unintuitive filtering steps and we rather rely on the user giving hints to the support generator using the support blockers / enforcers and paint-on supports.

We are still fine tuning our print profiles for the new "snug" supports. The "snug" supports behave differently than the old "grid" supports. You may want to experiment with different gaps between object and support interfaces, also the "snug" supports may require more interface layers than the "grid" supports to produce wide enough regions to be printable FDM technology.

  • Disabled enhancement of thin long overhangs to be supported. The enhancement produced supports at object corners, which were difficult to explain #3094.
  • Disabled filtering step that removed support towers in case the support contact island supporting an overhang was completely trimmed by the support / object XY separation distance. Such filtering made sense to reduce excessive supports before introduction of support blockers and paint-on supports, however the filtering step was the reason of PrusaSlicer support generator seemingly not respecting the support overhang threshold and support enforcers #1324.
  • Fixed missing interface layers for snug supports by propagating full overhangs before trimming by the support / object XY separation distance when generating interface layers. This change together with the previous topic significantly improves #6058#6902.
  • Rounding / merging of snug supports using the closing radius parameter is now smoother, it does not produce sharp corners.
  • When calculating snug support interfaces below support contacts, the projected support contact areas are expanded to produce wider, printable and more stable interfaces. This fixes some missing snug support interfaces.
  • For grid supports, supports supporting steep overhangs are not covered with dense support interfaces, because steep overhangs are mostly self supporting. However this strategy did not work well for the snug supports with narrow towers, thus overhangs with all angles are newly covered with support interfaces #6331.
  • For snug supports the interface layers are newly angled at 45 degrees from the base supports and they alternate their direction by 90 degrees, making the interfaces cohesive.
  • Fixed planning of support interface layers with rafts and larger Z gap for supports than for the raft.
  • Regression to PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha1: Some of the support interfaces were not supported by the sparse support again #7014.
  • Fixed soluble interface support interfaces / non soluble base for support enforcers, where base support was supporting an object without interface layers #2849.

Improvements of painting gizmos

  • 'Smart fill' and 'Pointer' brush types introduced recently into multi material painting gizmo are now available at FDM support and Seam painting gizmos as well.
  • The FDM paint-on supports gizmo newly allows limiting the brush strokes to triangles highlighted by "Highlight by angle" slider. One may let PrusaSlicer highlight the overhangs and one can quickly mark only those highlighted areas that are essential to the success of the print while masking out the non-overhang areas.
  • With clipping plane enabled, the areas clipped by the clipping plane are no more painted.

Seam improvements

When possible, PrusaSlicer newly places seams on internal perimeters close to external seams, reducing travel moves and retractions. For leaky extruders, bowden setups and leaky materials (PET, PVA) reducing travel between perimeters reduces gaps at their starts. The seams between the nested perimeters are not aligned exactly, but they are staggered by a short distance to reduce bulge of the outer most seam #6790, #6400, #6741, #6494, #6186, #5149.

Other improvements with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha3

  • Circular print beds are newly fully supported: Objects pulled out of circular print beds turn blue and print paths outside of a circular bed are detected. Convex print beds are partially supported: The part of an object outside of the print bed volume is not yet highlighted with blue color. No collision detection is performed for non-convex print beds #5388#6460.
  • Notifications about new PrusaSlicer versions available for download are newly available for prerelease versions (alphas and betas) as well. Notifications on new alphas and betas can be enabled / disabled in Preferences.
  • Several more improvements regarding notifications (new icons, adjusted timeouts, minimal time notification stays on screen, no focus on hover).
  • Windows specific: After a model is repaired by Netfabb successfully, a notification is shown instead of a modal dialog #7067.
  • Modifiers, support blockers and support enforcers are newly rendered transparent #7076.
  • The mesh simplification tool newly initiates calculation of the preview of the simplified model automatically, the "calculate preview" button is gone. The calculation can be stopped by pressing Esc key.
  • PrusaSlicer highlights toolbar items and print preset options with red blinking arrows after they are selected by the search dialog or when clicking on a hyperlink of a "Tip of the day" notification. The red blinking arrow is newly newly supported by the Preferences dialog as well. For example, clicking the "cog wheel" icon of the "Tip of the day" notification opens the Preferences dialog and a red arrow blinks next to the "enable / disable tip of the day" checkbox.
  • Models with zero volume (for example an STL with one polygon) are no more loaded. Previous versions of PrusaSlicer loaded such files, but these objects did not show on Plater, which was confusing.
  • Reporting of repaired and / or corrupted models has been improved. PrusaSlicer newly distinguishes between three states: 1) Model is fine, 2) model was broken, but it is now fixed, 3) model is still broken. The three states are reflected by the "warning" icon at the side panel: If the model is still broken, red "exclamation" icon is shown. If a mesh was broken but repaired successfully, white "warning" icon is shown.
  • If a mesh was repaired during import into PrusaSlicer, the number of errors fixed is newly saved into 3MF, so that the status of an imported model is not lost. New default shapes were added into the Shape Gallery.
  • Context menu is newly available for custom shapes of the Shape Gallery, which allows to delete a custom shape or to modify its thumbnail. The dialog also newly accepts the Del key.
  • Windows 11 specific: Fixed implicit setting of the dark mode.
  • Travel paths planned by the "avoid crossing perimeters" algorithm no more follow the outermost perimeter, but the 2nd outermost perimeter if possible. This should improve the print surface quality and reduce re-heating of overhangs.
  • Hollowing gizmo newly allows drilling larger holes for inserting magnets #6101, thanks @h-2.
  • "Copy to clipboard" at the "System info" dialog newly encloses the lengthy OpenGL extensions details into a <details> tag, thus helping to make the github issues easier to read #6830.

Bugs fixed


  • Fixed dimples sometimes appearing on multi-material painted objects, often happening on cylindrical objects #7104.
  • Improved detection of seams and their visualization by the G-code viewer. Some of the seam points were missed #6895.
  • Fixed incorrect default context menu if the right mouse button was clicked on empty space in 3D scene when several objects were selected.
  • Fixed some issues due to the recent admesh eradication in PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha3: Fixed import of multi-material AMF files, calculation of mesh volume in the right panel after applying a transformation and flipped normals when importing some 3MFs.
  • Implemented processing of M109 G-code (set hot end temperature and wait) by the G-code viewer #7050#7099.
  • Save (CTRL+S) is newly enabled for unnamed projects, it is equivalent to Save As #7054.
  • Fix by Netfabb is again available for all models, even those reported as manifold #7063.
  • Numeric inputs in 3D scene newly accept localized decimal separator. For example, one may enter decimal comma into the Cut by plane clipping plane height #7056.
  • Multipart objects are not supported in SLA mode, thus when a new SLA printer is added through the Configuration Wizard, it is only activated if there are no multipart objects on the Plater.
  • Mesh simplification tool did not work correctly when applied on a model volume or a modifier mesh.
  • Object transformation values at the side panel were barely readable with both dark mode and colored background of the coordinate text boxes enabled #7012.
  • Modifier context menu at the side panel was made consistent with the modifier context menu in the 3D scene.
  • With background processing enabled, background processing did not restart after Undo / Redo #7040.
  • Windows specific: Tooltips on "Slice now" and "Send to OctoPrint" buttons were getting in the way when clicking the buttons.
  • Fixed crash when turning on shells visibility in preview with background processing active.
  • Added automatic update of legend when switching on/off travel visibility in preview #7068.
  • Fixed non-uniform scaling of a volume using the part manipulation panel #6380.
  • Windows specific: Dark mode config option is now available in standalone G-Code Viewer.
  • Modifiers added to an object from the Shape Gallery are newly centered first before calculating their initial position relative to the object.
  • Fixed regression wrt. PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha3 due to G-code export parallelization: Standalone G-Code Viewer was again changing timestamp of the imported G-code #7005.
  • Fixed another regression due to G-code export parallelization: M106 (fan speed) was exported on every layer #7094.
  • Fixed crashes with some models on SLA hole drilling.
  • Fixed "out of print bed" indication for objects partly below the print bed.
  • Disabled acceleration control if default_acceleration parameter is zero. The user interface already suggested this condition by graying out the per feature acceleration parameter fields with default_acceleration zeroed, but the G-code generator did not respect that #3409, #6743thanks @jschuh.
  • Improved fuzzy skin options wording ("walls" instead of "perimeters") #7082, #7083, thanks @nsheridan.
  • Fixed confusing cooling hint when min and max fan speed are equal #3270.
  • Fixed variable layer editing disabled with raft enabled, this was a regression wrt. PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha1 #6999.
  • Fixed paint on supports showing through model in certain orientations #5050.
  • Multi-material painting tool: Fixed incorrect propagation of bottom surfaces with objects partially below print bed #7107.
  • Fixed spurious "Supports print better with detect bridging perimeters" enabled on application start-up #6814.
  • Fixed incorrect estimated print time on G-code horizontal slider for MMU prints #7110.

Build, infrastructure

  • Updated documentation about building on Windows (thanks @jschuh, #6867)

What is in the working

  • Windows 10 / 11 dark mode support. There is no official dark mode support for Win32 controls by Microsoft. We worked hard to skin Win32 controls to simulate dark mode, however the skinning did not quite work for some controls and some of the skinning is now broken again on Windows 11. It seems we will be able to apply some of the hacks discovered by the Notepad++ team to improve the dark mode.


nsheridan, h-2, and jschuh


Please report any bug or issue here


Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Postato : 25/10/2021 4:56 pm
29a e bobstro hanno apprezzato
Noble Member
Send system Info

Send system Info doesn't seem to be working properly, no dialogue appeared no option to opt out, or in, the program freezes for several seconds locking functionality, before activation. If I take the computer off line or block with firewall, I get immediate functionality no freezing. opened and restarted several times.


Just a heads up for those interested.



The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 25/10/2021 6:13 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Utenti Admin
system info not working

: Send system Info doesn't seem to be working properly, no dialogue appeared no option to opt out, or in, the program freezes for several seconds locking functionality, before activation. If I take the computer off line or block with firewall, I get immediate functionality no freezing. opened and restarted several times.


Would you please be more specific? What operating system? Does PrusaSlicer hang at some point of time? Does it hang when sending the info or before sending the info? Opt-out is by selecting "send now", "send later", "never" or something like that, I don't have PrusaSlicer sources available now.

Postato : 27/10/2021 4:39 am
Noble Member
system info not working



Windows 7 64 home premium



I never get to see a "Send system info" dialogue at all.

I started the wizard for the beta, went through the setup for my printers, completed the setup and was able to access the program immediately (it did not freeze), however there was no "Send system info" dialogue. It was mentioned in the documentation that it may not show the first time if using the configuration wizard, and you may have to close and open the software a second time before you see it, I read the documentation completely before even downloading the beta. 

So I closed the program and reopened, and it froze for a few seconds, if I try to access the software the UI grays out and says "Not responding" in the title bar of the program window, then it clears after several seconds, and you can access the program again, but no "Send system info" dialogue appears, and it does this each and every time I start the program when it has access to the internet.

If I disconnect from the internet, and start the program it starts perfectly with no freezing and immediate access to features, and does not freeze again during use.

No virus software or blockers are blocking the program, it has open access, I run it on a machine I use specifically for testing alpha's, beta's and RC's. I have not attempted to run the beta software on my other machines or OS's at this time.


That's all the information I have, I hope it helps.



The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 27/10/2021 7:21 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Utenti Admin
system info not working

Thanks for heads up.

We are investigating the issue. PrusaSlicer now checks for working internet connection by pulling PrusaSlicer version file (just a text file with PrusaSlicer's newest version) from internet. It seems this call blocks on your computer for maximum 2 seconds, then it times out and the timeout is evaluated as no internet connection. We don't know why this connection does not work even if you claim you are on internet. Maybe your internet is slow? Maybe your connection initiated by PrusaSlicer is blocked by some antivirus? Do you get some "enable connection" dialog by the windows firewall opened? Maybe you disabled PrusaSlicer internet connection in Windows firewall before? It is weird. If you did, then the connection should fail immediately.

We will try a Windows specific system call to verify whether internet is on. On other platforms we know of no such system call, thus we will just skip the seemingly unreliable test for internet connectivity and we will just display the "send system info" dialog.

Postato : 27/10/2021 8:47 am
Honorable Member

I'm not referring to PrusaSlicer -I'm just sharing my thoughts related to this.
Being a bit of a programmer myself, I noticed that many software attempts to connect on internet in wrong way, which causes freezing. That is, the simplest way is, to check if internet connection is present. If it is, then software simply tries to connect... and if it fails, then repeats that again and again (while user looks at frozen application) -this is many times the case with software that checks if user uses legit version.

Checking only if PC is online (internet available or not) is bad practice, because it doesn't take firewall into account. Software should expect being blocked by firewall and act accordingly quickly.

As said, just commenting in general.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 27/10/2021 10:07 am
Lukáš Matěna
system info not working


Thanks a lot for the report. I have done what @vojtech-bubnik has described. The connection is now checked by a different method on Windows, it is not checked at all on other platforms. Would you mind testing the build with the change? Nobody here managed to reproduce the problem. If so, please send me a private message and I'll send you a link.

Lukas Matena
Postato : 27/10/2021 10:15 am
Eminent Member

I also did not get any message about PS wanting to send System Info (Windows 10, build 2004), and I checked just now that PS successfully connects to, but since it is a TLS connection, I can't see any of the payload data. However, it looks like there might not be much data exchanged (if any).

This was with my config loaded, so I repeated the test with the \AppData\Roaming\PrusaSlicer-beta folder renamed, so that that PS would start fresh. I just pressed "Finish" on the configuration wizard popup, and then closed and reopened PrusaSlicer. Still no send system info, but I could see that PrusaSlicer made a connection to (

So in my case it does successfully connect, but I never see that dialog.


Postato : 27/10/2021 11:59 am
Lukáš Matěna
send system info not working - build to test a fix

@swiss_cheese, @mroek

Apparently the problem with SendSystemInfoDialog will affect more people, I'll just drop the testing build here for anyone willing to test it (just download and unpack the zip):

Thanks in advance.

Lukas Matena
Postato : 27/10/2021 1:08 pm
Eminent Member

So I tested the test build, and I can confirm I am getting the SendSystemInfoDialog now. However, when I press the button to send the info, it reports a failure (couldn't send). I see in Wireshark that it is able to connect, though.

The button to show verbatim which info will be sent is working as it should.


Postato : 27/10/2021 2:20 pm
Noble Member


Thank you, Ill try it when I return from work.

The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 27/10/2021 2:53 pm

I will install this tonight.  I am very happy with the alphas.  Thank you to all the DEVs.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 27/10/2021 2:53 pm
Vojtěch Bubník hanno apprezzato
Noble Member



I was able to run the the test version you posted (PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+19-lm-sendsysteminfo-win64-g1830ccdb6-202110271001). The "Send system info" dialogue appears at program startup in this version each time, with and without an internet connection, and offers all options, I'm pushing "Ask me next time" so I can test in multiple situations.


I'm going to run it a couple different ways and if the behavior changes I'll post the information.


Thank you



The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 27/10/2021 4:34 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Print Time + costs

Hi, ive tested the 2.4 right now.

i have 3.5h difference in Print time + More Filament/costs.

Same File, Same Settings, same Filament. 

check Pic. Any Idea what is changed? or what setting i can change to bring down costs/time?

looks like the "support" takes 3h more.


Questo post è stato modificato 3 years fa da ZEMSO
Postato : 28/10/2021 11:39 am
Trusted Member
another one

another one.

not that difference but here you also see the "infill" takes more time. Since i use the same infill, percentage and type i wonder where the difference comes.

Postato : 28/10/2021 11:50 am
Illustrious Member

The text is too small and blurred to read on your picture.  At least for my eyes. 

Zip up and post your project file (3mf) saved from 2.3.3 and then people can open it and slice it in both software versions and see for themselves the difference and also look for what settings/functions is causing the big change.

Postato : 28/10/2021 11:51 am
Eminent Member

@zemso It seems to be mostly down to support material, where the new version generates more of that. The new version has a parameter for support style (Snug vs Grid), but other that that, there shouldn't be much difference.

Postato : 28/10/2021 11:51 am
Trusted Member

good idea.

if you wanna see the pic in full size, right click open in new tab. (4k Monitor issues lol)

Posted by: @neophyl

The text is too small and blurred to read on your picture.  At least for my eyes. 

Zip up and post your project file (3mf) saved from 2.3.3 and then people can open it and slice it in both software versions and see for themselves the difference and also look for what settings/functions is causing the big change.


Postato : 28/10/2021 11:55 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Utenti Admin
supports take more material

The supports are more stable now, they require a bit more material.


Postato : 28/10/2021 11:56 am
Trusted Member

front_man_mask_straps here it is

Postato : 28/10/2021 11:58 am
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