Part looks different after slicing
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[Risolto] Part looks different after slicing  

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Part looks different after slicing


I've made a part with OpenSCAD.  The part looks fine when I import the STL file in to PrusaSlicer, but when I slice the part it looks different than what I designed.  It's missing some pieces.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or how to fix it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've attached a screenshot of the part before and after slicing.  I uploaded the STL file here

Best Answer by jsw:

My version of PS refuses to slice it as is.

However, after I use the 'repair' function of PS, it slices and produces what looks like the correct result.

Try that.  If yours does not work, let me know and I will upload the fixed .obj file.

Postato : 12/11/2020 4:54 pm
Famed Member
RE: Part looks different after slicing

My version of PS refuses to slice it as is.

However, after I use the 'repair' function of PS, it slices and produces what looks like the correct result.

Try that.  If yours does not work, let me know and I will upload the fixed .obj file.

Postato : 12/11/2020 7:53 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Part looks different after slicing


Yes, that fixed it.  I was able to fix the STL file by repairing it in PrusaSlicer.

Thank you!

Postato : 12/11/2020 8:09 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Part looks different after slicing

Hi Aaron, 

use the Fix through the netfabb option. in Prusa Slicer


regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 12/11/2020 8:33 pm
Famed Member
RE: Part looks different after slicing
Posted by: @aaron-patterson


Yes, that fixed it.  I was able to fix the STL file by repairing it in PrusaSlicer.

Thank you!

That was one of the easier ones.  The 'fix it' option in PS (said to be a version of Netfabb) will fix a few of them, but I've found that the stand-alone version of Netfabb will fix some that the PS version does not.

FreeCAD has a whole menu of fix-it options, which will often work, but sometimes not.  I've also found that importing into FreeCAD, converting to solid (multi-step) and then re-exporting will fix many, but not all wonky .stl files.  MeshLab has an overwhelming Swiss Army Knife of mesh fix tools, but has a very steep learning curve.

There are even some paid fix-it services out there.


Postato : 12/11/2020 8:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Part looks different after slicing


ah this is much easier.  Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Postato : 12/11/2020 9:11 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Part looks different after slicing

It looks like I don't have Netfabb, but the solution @jsw gave me works.  Thanks again for all the help.

Postato : 12/11/2020 9:30 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Part looks different after slicing


cheers Aaron, 
I don't know where Netfabb came from? it seems to have always been there...   

maybe I downloaded it from here?

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 12/11/2020 9:56 pm
-- hanno apprezzato
Famed Member
RE: Part looks different after slicing
Posted by: @joantabb


cheers Aaron, 
I don't know where Netfabb came from? it seems to have always been there...   

maybe I downloaded it from here?

I was not aware that PS used Netfabb for the 'fix it' function until recently.

I installed Netfabb as a stand-alone application some time ago.  I've found that it has a reasonably good success rate fixing wonky .stl files that the internal PS routine (perhaps older Netfabb) and FreeCAD will not.

On the bedroom PC, which has PS but not the stand-alone Netfabb, a 'which netfabb' comes up empty, so I know the full version was not force-installed with PS.

Postato : 12/11/2020 11:59 pm