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Open PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 from Command line?
Hi, Is there anyone who knows if it is possible to open Prusa-Slicer.exe GUI from command line and preload a STL file with config.ini file?
This is because we have different people who uses the printers, this way we simplyfy the setup for specific type of printing.
I know this is possible in Slic3R.
Napsal : 17/03/2021 3:43 pm
RE: Open PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 from Command line?
Don't forget that PrusaSlicer is a fork of Slic3r, so it's a good chance that PrusaSlicer will use same CLI syntax. Try it and see what happens.
Napsal : 19/03/2021 9:07 am
RE: Open PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 from Command line?
Napsal : 19/03/2021 11:10 am
nikoumwelt a jsw se líbí
Topic starter
RE: Open PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 from Command line?
I have found a solution for my problem it was:
"C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\PrusaSlicer\prusa-slicer.exe" "C:\*.stl" --load "C:\config.ini"
It was the double line before load there where teasing me. But this command works.
Napsal : 23/03/2021 6:39 am