New to PrusaSlicer - blobs and zits
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New to PrusaSlicer - blobs and zits  

New Member
New to PrusaSlicer - blobs and zits


many times I tried to use Slic3r and prusa slic3r and now PrusaSlicer

It gets better and better and I'll like to adopt it as my main slicer.

Print surfaces are nice but I encounter some troubles with little blobs on outer surfaces, similar but smaller than these from S3D guide.

I use random/nearest seam position on conic/cilindrical prints and blobs.

My machine has bowden.

I used the same parameters I use in S3D but in S3D there is the coast at end parameter that isn't available in PS (I didn't see it)

I know that prusa printers have linear advance to correct these artifacts. My printer doesn't..

Can you suggest some work around?




Napsal : 08/06/2020 9:08 am
Eminent Member
RE: New to PrusaSlicer - blobs and zits

Ciao, ti rispondo in italiano perchè vedo che sei italiano, anche io sto usando prusa slicer con una Ender3 ed anch'io a volte riscontro il tuo problema, solo a volte su alcuni layers, altri sono perfetti, non capisco perchè questa discontinuità, magari visto che qua non risponde nessuno potremmo scambiarci informazioni. Hai risolto?

Napsal : 24/03/2021 11:00 am