Multi-Extruder Heating: Standby and Active Temperatures for Extruders Being Used in the Print
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Multi-Extruder Heating: Standby and Active Temperatures for Extruders Being Used in the Print  

Connor L
New Member
Multi-Extruder Heating: Standby and Active Temperatures for Extruders Being Used in the Print



I am trying to write custom start g-code for my E3D Toolchanger (runs RepRap on a Duet). One thing I'd like to implement is print-specific tool heating. This would take the form of only heating the extruders that would be used during the print (if for example extruder 2 is not used during the print, it will not heat-up).


However I cannot find any type of variable to tell me if the extruder is used in the print (and thus use some boolean if-else logic to heat it up or keep it off). If anyone knows of a good way to do this, please comment below. Currently I don't include any temperature set commands in my gcode and let the slicer add them in automatically because if I do include them, then all the extruders heat up. No custom GCode, leads to only setting the active temperature instead of both active and standby temperatures. All tools are in standby when not used, causing the tool to not heatup until after the bed increasing the start time.

I've included my custom start code in the .txt file below (hyperlink)

Custom Start Code

Respondido : 11/11/2022 8:49 pm
New Member
RE: Multi-Extruder Heating: Standby and Active Temperatures for Extruders Being Used in the Print


I've not found a solution to that either, the best I can do is to set the new tool active and standby temperatures at the start of the custom Tool change G-code, this at least starts the heating before the tool change and means you have the standby temperature defined for subsequent tool changes. 

G10 P[next_extruder] S{temperature[next_extruder]} R{temperature[next_extruder] + standby_temperature_delta}


Unfortunately the placeholder "next_extruder" only works in the custom Tool change code, so can't be used in advance in the start G-code, see here:

Respondido : 06/01/2023 12:39 am