;BEGINNING OF CUSTOM START GCODE G21 ; set units to millimeters G90 ; use absolute coordinates M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature]; set bed to temperature ;Inserting the below four blocks causes all hotends to heatup ;G10 P0 S[first_layer_temperature_0] R{temperature[0]+standby_temperature_delta} ;G10 P1 S[first_layer_temperature_1] R{temperature[1]+standby_temperature_delta} ;G10 P2 S[first_layer_temperature_2] R{temperature[2]+standby_temperature_delta} ;G10 P3 S[first_layer_temperature_3] R{temperature[3]+standby_temperature_delta} M568 P0 A1; set T0 to standby M568 P1 A1; set T1 to standby ;M568 P2 A1; set T2 to standby - not yet built ;M568 P3 A1; set T3 to standby - not yet built ;Homing G28 C ; home c G28 Y ; home y G28 X; home x ;Homing Z G0 X150 Y100 F6000; pre-move to bed center M116; wait for all temperatures this allows bed more heatsoak time and instant printing after probing Z instead of waiting for hotends G28 Z; home z G29 S1; Activate mesh compensation ; END OF CUSTOM START GCODE