Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3
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Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3  

New Member
Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3

I am looking at moving from Cura to Prusaslice with my Ender 3.  I can print fine with Cura, but if I try and print with the Prusaslicer, I have trouble with the 1st layer.  

Is there anything in Prusaslicer that could be affecting first layer adhesion?

Postato : 16/04/2020 1:28 am
New Member
RE: Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3

I run into the same problem with my Ender 5. Some STLs will print fine when sliced to G-code by Cura, but they won't stay on the bed if sliced with PrusaSlicer. Trying to figure out what could be going on, but any tips will be appreciated.

Postato : 21/04/2020 2:07 pm
New Member
RE: Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3

I run into the same problem with my Ender 5. Some STLs will print fine when sliced to G-code by Cura, but they won't stay on the bed if sliced with PrusaSlicer. Trying to figure out what could be going on, but any tips will be appreciated.

Postato : 21/04/2020 2:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3

Post one of your projects (save as.... which saves a .3mf file with all your settings and model).  Zip it up and attach it here.  Then people can have a look at it and try and debug whats happening.

I don't have an ender 3 but I do have its big brother, a cr10.

Postato : 21/04/2020 2:20 pm
New Member
RE: Moving from Cura to Prusaslicer on Ender 3


Murphy's law kicked in I guess, but I will try to find one. I made some changes for the initial layer speed, set it as low as 25 mm/s and of course now everything is sticking to the bed.

I also set the first layer height to 0.18 and layer height to 0.2mm, not sure if these will make a difference. I noticed that the original profile I used had always a higher initial layer than the rest. Don't know if that makes a difference?

Postato : 21/04/2020 2:57 pm