Modifier meshes and negative volumes, oh my
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Modifier meshes and negative volumes, oh my  

Active Member
Modifier meshes and negative volumes, oh my

I have been using my MKS3 for about a year and a half, and am getting pretty good at basic printing. But now I want to up my game a bit, and want to create a simple knob with a logo imprinted on it. Ideally, I want to print the logo in another colour, but I don't have MMU on my printer.

So the first question is: what is the best way to get a logo onto my knob model? I can try and model the knob and logo separately using Fusion360, print them separately, and then glue it up. But IIRC there is something built into PrusaSlicer 2.4 to make this easier, right?

And assuming I can get the logo into the knob, it looks like 2.4 allows for an easy way to specify a filament change. But my question with that is, if the logo is inset into the knob, will there be filament changes at every layer, or will it print the one filament completely, then go back and "fill in" the space left for the logo with the other filament?

There is a dizzying amount of videos and help, so maybe this has already been answered. But any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

I should add that the logo I want to embed in the knob is the image you see in my profile pic.

Best Answer by FoxRun3D:

Sure, this has been answered a hundred times before 🙂

For multi-color without MMU there are (at least) a couple of ways to achieve this. If the color change happens at defined layer heights, you can simply use the color change option in Prusaslicer. In the Slicer preview, in the vertical slider click on the layer on which the color change happens. 2.4 will actually prompt you and offer to do this if it sees a model that looks like a logo. For example, you could print a 2 mm base in one color and then add another few layers of a logo in a different color. Also see

The other method is more convoluted but works even if you have color changes within one layer. You basically tell Prusaslicer to use multipe extruders even though you have only one. It will insert code that stops and ejects the filament as needed. For example, it may start printing in one color, then when a color change is required unload the filament and prompt you to load the new color. It will then print with the new color until another color change is needed. It will still lay down layer by layer.

This works but becomes quite tedious when you have multiple layers that require color swaps. Say you want to print x layers and in each you have y colors, that makes for about x times y color swaps. Here's one of my models with a simple two color change, if you want to check out how to configure it:

Hope that helps!

This topic was modified 3 years temu by TomO
Opublikowany : 19/01/2022 2:28 pm
Famed Member
RE: Modifier meshes and negative volumes, oh my

Sure, this has been answered a hundred times before 🙂

For multi-color without MMU there are (at least) a couple of ways to achieve this. If the color change happens at defined layer heights, you can simply use the color change option in Prusaslicer. In the Slicer preview, in the vertical slider click on the layer on which the color change happens. 2.4 will actually prompt you and offer to do this if it sees a model that looks like a logo. For example, you could print a 2 mm base in one color and then add another few layers of a logo in a different color. Also see

The other method is more convoluted but works even if you have color changes within one layer. You basically tell Prusaslicer to use multipe extruders even though you have only one. It will insert code that stops and ejects the filament as needed. For example, it may start printing in one color, then when a color change is required unload the filament and prompt you to load the new color. It will then print with the new color until another color change is needed. It will still lay down layer by layer.

This works but becomes quite tedious when you have multiple layers that require color swaps. Say you want to print x layers and in each you have y colors, that makes for about x times y color swaps. Here's one of my models with a simple two color change, if you want to check out how to configure it:

Hope that helps!

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 19/01/2022 11:31 pm
TomO polubić
Illustrious Member
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Modifier meshes and negative volumes, oh my

I can't seem to access that specific model @fuchsr, but your skull coins seem to be representative of the "known layer" approach. In my case, I would prefer to not have the second colour "in relief" and so based on your more tedious approach, it sounds like the right way to achieve a different colour inset is to model the two separately, print them separately, and then attach one to the other.

Opublikowany : 20/01/2022 5:21 pm