MMU3 1st Level Color selection
How can I control in which order the PrusaSlicer selects the filament for the first layer.
I have two filament colors on the first layer and would like to define which filament color the printing is started with. At the moment it always seems to be the case that it starts with the lowest extruder number and the corresponding color.
So far I have only found a complex mechanical solution, namely to sort the colors on the MMU3 the way I want. Admittedly not an elegant solution - isn't it easier to set up in the PriusaSlicer? In the search I only found one unanswered post on the topic: filament-print-order/#post-696846
RE: MMU3 1st Level Color selection
Hello, have you found any solution to this? I'm having the same issue, and my solution so far is the same as yours: arranging the filaments in the needed order beforehand, but that is quite annoying as different models means unloading all filaments and rearranging them.
In particular I have a model that only needs a filament (black) for parts of the 1st layer, then switches to a different one (white) for the rest of that layer and all the rest of the piece. It would seem obivous that the slicer should slice the piece to start with black, then do just 1 filament change an do everything else. But if I have white loaded on slot 1, then it will do the white partes of 1st layer, switch to black, complete that layer, then switch back to white, effectively doubling the number of changes needed, which makes aboslutely no sense.
RE: MMU3 1st Level Color selection
Found this which may help on Reddit:
Yes you can if you order your colors the way you want in the mmu. The slicer picks the lowest number on the first layer then increments from there. So if you print in all 5 colors and start on color 3 then it will go 34512 if a layer is missing a color it just pulls it from the list before stepping.
RE: MMU3 1st Level Color selection
Right on that same thread it says: "Edit: modified for clarity, you can't pick the start color the printer always starts with the lowest tool on the first layer."
So no, you can't. I tried changing things from the MMU3 menu before a print, but it only lets you change what filaments you have loaded in each spot (ie, you can switch PETg to PLA on number 4, etc), but doesn't let you rearrange the order.
Before starting a print, it shows a list of "file filaments" and "loaded filaments" side by side, but 1 always matches 1, 2 matches 2 and so on. What would be ideal is that it lets the user tell it from which mmu3 spot to pull each filament from the file (ie, telling it "use filament 3 for the first filament in file, then filament 5 for second filament on file", etc).
RE: MMU3 1st Level Color selection
I added this ticket:
Please add a comment to the ticket telling Prusa you would also like this feature.