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MMU multi color - how to assign multiple objects to a color at once
I have print job with a lot of small objects. If I want to assign color 2 to 10 objects, I have click them one by one and assign numebr 2 to it. Is there a way to assign color to to the 10 objects in one go?
Regards, Lambert
Postato : 28/02/2020 5:37 pm
RE: MMU multi color - how to assign multiple objects to a color at once
I don't have an MMU but you can normally select multiple objects using Ctrl+shift+click for doing operations on all selected at once, like move etc. I dont know if that will let you assign colours to all selected but its worth trying.
Postato : 28/02/2020 9:43 pm
1. Select all objects in model tree using ctrl + click / ctrl + shift + click
2. Right-click on one of selected objects in 3D view
3. Click "select extrudor for selected items"
Postato : 17/07/2021 3:46 pm