Missing layer in model created in openscad
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Missing layer in model created in openscad  

Stránka 2 / 2
Active Member
RE: Missing layer in model created in openscad


I tried your suggestion, but in my case, unsuccesfully. Still, my "trick" of adding a new part (can be hidden on the object or a beautiful box near your object) solves the issue I found (the same issue found by @pan).

I can't be sure that openscad does a bad job, because PrusaSlicer preview, 3D-Tool-Free and Simplify3D draws the object without issues (and openscad don't detect any warning!). So I keep thinking that something is wrong in the slicing process.

Napsal : 23/02/2021 3:25 pm
Famed Member
RE: Missing layer in model created in openscad

I guess the way I think about it: just because slicers may render a model okay doesn’t mean it is okay. The litmus test is to run it through netfabb or blender’s analysis functions, to get the seal of approval. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 23/02/2021 5:45 pm
Stránka 2 / 2