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Material grams on the z scale.
Hi, i'd like to ask if there is a tool/ option i've missed in prusa slicer.
I'd like to be able to see how many grams the printer has printed so far on a certain layer.
Like on the z height scale that you can scroll up and down and see how much time it will take to get there, to know how many grams of material it took to get there, to be able to easily add a material change.
It would be useful if you want to eat up your last few meters of a spool and have the printer get ready to add the other one, without fearing that you might miss the point and ruin a print.
Postato : 15/09/2022 6:24 pm
RE: Material grams on the z scale.
The MK3S will estimate it, but I do not think this si available with an app like Octoprint.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Postato : 23/09/2022 11:37 am