Making PrusaSlicer use "G0" for travel moves instead of "G1"
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Making PrusaSlicer use "G0" for travel moves instead of "G1"  

Making PrusaSlicer use "G0" for travel moves instead of "G1"

Hello everyone!

I am currently building an SLS printer. I am using an Arduino Mega w/ RAMPS 1.4 running Repetier firmware in "Laser" mode. This mode has the following convention:

Linear moves using "G0" do not turn on the laser

Linear moves using "G1" turn on the laser while moving

Is there a way to have PrusaSlicer utilize "G0" for travel moves instead of "G1"? If it helps, the G-code flavor setting under "Printer Settings" is set to "No extrusion."

As for other potential slicers, Slic3r uses "G1" for all moves just like PrusaSlicer. Cura does output G-code in the way I'm looking for, but I quite like the UI of PrusaSlicer and would rather stay using it.

Thanks for reading.

Veröffentlicht : 23/04/2023 8:04 am
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RE: Making PrusaSlicer use "G0" for travel moves instead of "G1"

Agree. I need it too for my printer. I prefer to let the printer firmware to change accelerations for print moves and travel moves. I can do it realtime while printing with printer's menu (like using retraction with firmware - great thing - must to have / must to use). I can change limits for print speeds and travel speeds too. Printer can identify travel moves with G0 commands, and print moves with G1 command. So, it is very important to using G0 and G1 correctly. I don't understand, why slicers ignore this most important thing.
Printer also remember speeds for G0 and G1 separately. For example, I can use once (first time) G0 with F20000, after I move printer with print speed - G1 with another speed. But printer remember last used speed for G0, so everytime in program I don't need using F command for set the travel speed, just G0 X... Y... and it always do a travel move with 20000mm/min (with acceleration sets for travel move; G1 will accelerating with settings for printing acceleration).
Sorry for my English, I hope, You understand, what I want to say. 🙂
Thank You

Veröffentlicht : 31/10/2023 11:48 pm