LF to CRLF (Carriage Return) for Gcode Files
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LF to CRLF (Carriage Return) for Gcode Files  

New Member
LF to CRLF (Carriage Return) for Gcode Files

I am trying to find out if there is an option somewhere in PS to output GCode files with carriage return / line feed (CRLF) instead of just line feed (LF).

I know I could add some kind of post processing, but I was hoping maybe there is an option somewhere inside PS to change this on a Windoze machine.

Or I have tried the G-code substitution area, but I cannot figure out the correct format to look for \n and replace with \r\n.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Napsal : 22/06/2022 12:19 pm
HavenFab Design
New Member
RE: LF to CRLF (Carriage Return) for Gcode Files

Did you find a solution inside PrusaSlicer? I got the same issue were i need CRLF in my gcode. right now i need to use Notepad++ to perform the conversion from LF to CRLF to be able to use the gcode.

Napsal : 09/01/2023 1:14 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: LF to CRLF (Carriage Return) for Gcode Files

No solution found.  I was doing the same thing as you with NP++.

However, I have since created a python .exe that does it for me.  Put the exe in the post processing scripts area of PrusaSlicer to automate the process.


Napsal : 09/01/2023 1:17 pm