Layer adhesion above bridging supports
Hello all. This is my first post here 🙂
I've started using PrusaSlicer recently and I am experiencing issues with layer adhesion above bridge supports. The first and second layers of the printed object above the bridge have no connection to each other at all with the first layer free hanging. I've sliced and printed the same object on my MK3S+ with Cura and don't have the problem.
Does anyone know what the issue might be? My support settings are in the image below
RE: Layer adhesion above bridging supports
Cn you post an image of the problem you are having?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Cn you post an image of the problem you are having?
I concur,
A couple of images and a comparison would be helpful. preferably of the model your seeing the results on, an apples to apples compassion.
Good Luck
The Filament Whisperer
RE: Layer adhesion above bridging supports
It's a tricky thing to photograph but I've attached two images here.
The orange one is from the Prusa, sliced with PrusaSlider. This has the detached first layer above the bridge. Notice how the first layer isn't at all adhered to the layer above. The strands of extruded PLA easily move around.
The black one is printed on an Ender, sliced with Cura. On this one, the first layer above the bridge adheres to the layer above perfectly.
Just judging form the images, it looks like the black one had support and the orange one didn't. this certainly could cause that effect. what version of prusa slicer did you use? and did you use supports in both cura and prusa slicer?
The Filament Whisperer
RE: Layer adhesion above bridging supports
I'm running the latest version of PrusaSlicer. The part had supports on the area shown on both the ender/cura and Prusa/PrusaSlicer parts.
RE: Layer adhesion above bridging supports
Can you post a Zipped up .3mf Project file from prusa slicer? it will allow us to see all the settings you used when slicing this relative to the model, giving a much better understanding of whats going on.
You have to zip the file or the forums file server will not allow it to be posted
The Filament Whisperer