Is this a bug - fan turns off in the middle of a bridge
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Is this a bug - fan turns off in the middle of a bridge  

Mike Savad
Active Member
Is this a bug - fan turns off in the middle of a bridge

so i'm making batches of samples of trying to fine tune my bridges. as i'm watching it, it created the first 2 outer sides. then it went back and forth over a narrow area, 6 strokes, fine. then on 7, the fan turned off, it did the line, then turned on on the 8th, and off on the 9th. and it doesn't seem to matter what file it is. 


the fans are set to run like 30% as the lowest, and off as the base. but this is a bridge a 1/4" in the air, the fan shouldn't be turning off. it ruins the bridge. but the weird thing is, it doesn't do it on every bridge. i would print a set of 3, 2 would be off.


i've been looking this up in google and even cura does it. i'm at a loss what to do. i'd like to just keep the fan on all the time.


----Mike Savad

Opublikowany : 20/02/2022 9:00 pm