Incremental increase in fan speed with Complete individual objects
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Incremental increase in fan speed with Complete individual objects  

New Member
Incremental increase in fan speed with Complete individual objects

Good day,

This is my first post in the forum so sorry if things aren't looking well arranged.

I use prusaslicer for my ender 3 and a new direct drive system required me to use a post processing script at the before layer change. The script slowly increases the fanspeed from 75% up to 100% in incements of 10, except for layer 4, to keep the hotend temp from going below cold extruding. I got the help from this page for the script.

{if layer_num == 1 and min_fan_speed[0] < 255}M106 S191.25{endif}
{if layer_num == 2 and min_fan_speed[0] < 255}M106 S216.75{endif}
{if layer_num == 3 and min_fan_speed[0] < 255}M106 S242.25{endif}
{if layer_num == 4 and min_fan_speed[0] < 255}M106 S255{endif}

The problem comes in the second part. I am using Complete Individual Objects and the script doesn't work on the gcode of the second object. I was wondering if it is possible to get the layer height value instead of using layer_num or if some of you guys have a better idea on how to approach this then I am very open to suggestions and criticizim.

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years von SFer
Veröffentlicht : 14/09/2020 5:02 pm
RE: Incremental increase in fan speed with Complete individual objects

Which Direct drive system are you using?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/09/2020 1:13 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Incremental increase in fan speed with Complete individual objects

I'm using this All metal direct drive it says not to use a silicone sock but I ended up using it to help with the PID. 

Veröffentlicht : 26/09/2020 1:34 pm