inconsistent behavior with support blocker
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inconsistent behavior with support blocker  

Nathan Powell
inconsistent behavior with support blocker

Testing out some new filament and I'm getting some odd behavior with the support blocker, the 3 areas I circled in red shouldn't be there. They show up with both the smart fill and bushed on blocker areas. This is the basic/ unmodified benchy file, my best guess would be some glitch in the stl but the 3rd one up top is really odd being asymmetrical.

Respondido : 31/07/2024 9:24 pm
Noble Member
RE: inconsistent behavior with support blocker

Why do you print a benchy with supports? Kind of defeats the point of the thing...

Organic supports are odd. Nobody can help you with just some screen shots. Post the zipped project file.

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Respondido : 01/08/2024 9:33 am
Nathan Powell
Topic starter answered:
RE: inconsistent behavior with support blocker

because my endler 3 isn't perfect and I'm trying to compensate for that lol. Only seem to need them at the very top of the ports and a few mm of other overhangs. Here's the 3mf that's producing that behavior

Respondido : 05/08/2024 3:25 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: inconsistent behavior with support blocker

Its quite simple really once you understand what's happening.

You have support set to auto generate for anything over a certain angle.  You are then using a Painted on support blocker to define areas NOT to support.  On the face of it that seems like a good workflow.  It isn't though as will become apparent if you keep reading.

The benchy geometry as a few issues.  One of those is a bunch of zero faces.  These are very small and cant be seen and make no difference in the actual slicing.

However because of the angle setting the slicer is marking them as needing support. (There are several others on the geometry also but for some reason those aren't being marked.  Not sure why but it may be their angles or possibly they are smaller)

So you have used a paint on method to define the areas not to support.  Unfortunately those faces can't be painted.  They are inside and not accessible to the brush tool easily.  Even the sphere brush isn't effective.  You often find this issue with such geometry.  It is also what causes a lot of problems when people try to paint objects for multi colour printing.  Your geo has to be almost perfect for the paint tools to work and get the areas you want.

Anyway you now have surfaces that need support as defined by the angle so its adding the support.  One alternative is you could use a mesh based support blocker as that defines an area.  Such as 

When sliced that will get you this-

Which seems to be what you want.  That's the work around for blocking inaccessible faces.  It used to be all we had before the paint tool was added.  

I find that using a support enforcer via the paint method and then using 'For support enforcers only' on the plater options works the best.  You can use the automatic painting button as a starting point if you don't have a feel for what will need support and then modify from there, adding or removing as needed.

Using the auto painting tool and for support enforcers only gets you this

Which is quite acceptable I think.

However don't use the Highlight by angle and then enforce the entire thing as that will ALSO highlight those interior faces (as again its by angle) and you cant then remove the painted are without clearing/resetting all the painting.  So just stick to smartfill or brush after using Auto.

Respondido : 05/08/2024 5:04 pm
BaconFase me gusta
Nathan Powell
Topic starter answered:
RE: inconsistent behavior with support blocker

A ok that's exactly what I thought might be the issue, is a quark with the stl. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. I'll try the volumetric blockers, didn't actually realize that was still a thing guess I missed the setting for those

Respondido : 06/08/2024 1:20 am