How to make one continuous perimeter
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How to make one continuous perimeter  

Mark Dunham
How to make one continuous perimeter

I am trying to print this part (a spring) but because the perimeter is chopped up, it always breaks. Is there a PrusaSlicer setting that would let me print this without breaks along the thin section? I'm thinking maybe one continuous perimeter before the infill. Thanks for your help.

Sliced spring

Posted : 27/07/2024 7:00 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How to make one continuous perimeter

Could you please upload the 3mf (save project) zipped to the forum. Then I will have a look. 
It seems that the stl is not optimally designed. 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 27/07/2024 8:12 pm
Mark Dunham
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to make one continuous perimeter

I don't have the original 3mf file. I bought these files from the designer who just sent the STLs. I zipped the stl version and added it here. Thanks for your help.


Posted : 28/07/2024 4:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: How to make one continuous perimeter

Hi Mark
I don't believe you can make the whole model with a single perimeter, because the ends of the spring are enlarged. 
is this what you want?

the model spring blade seems to be about 0.505 mm thick (where I tested it...) 
so I made the extrusion width 0.5mm 
And to prevent thinning in the first layer, I Removed elephants foot correction.

you may need to fiddle with elephants foot 

05_Ratchet_Spring_0 - Copy
please find attached a .3mf file for a Prusa Mk3S or S+ with a 0.4mm nozzle

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 28/07/2024 8:30 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How to make one continuous perimeter

Hello Mark, I tested your file, like Joan did. And have the same result (so I will not upload it 😉 ) 
Please compare the pictures of your preview and the one she made. The big difference is that there the "notches" are gone and now it is a continuous line. That might be the difference. 
Please compare the settings in the 3mf file she uploaded with the settings on you slicer. There must be a setting what does cause the difference. Interesting to know. 

Regards, Eef 


We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 28/07/2024 9:28 pm
Mark Dunham
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to make one continuous perimeter

Hi Joan,

That's right - I was looking for a continuous section joining the bigger regions. I'm not exactly sure what caused the difference but I switched from PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 to 2.8.0 and it worked. It seems that changing from Classic to Arachne perimeter generator makes the difference. 

Thanks so much for your help,


Posted : 30/07/2024 11:32 pm