How to calculate the optimum wall thickness so a predictable number of perimeters will be used.
When designing my own things, I often wonder how thick I should make a wall so that the sliced result will most accurately reflect the CAD design. Say my design needs about 0.6mm thick wall for strength, should I just design to that and let the slicer work it out? Or should the design factor in the possible wall thicknesses given a particular nozzle size?
I know that because the profile of the extrusion is oval-like and the adjacent perimeters overlap the resultant wall thicknesses are not simple multiples of nozzle diameter, is there a formula for calculating the wall thicknesses of various numbers of perimeters produce given other relevant variables like nozzle size, layer height, overlap etc?
RE: How to calculate the optimum wall thickness so a predictable number of perimeters will be used.
I'm sure there is (some is here) but with Arachne this has become less of an issue. I've seen plenty of issues with it to the point that I'm not sure it was a wise decision to make it default. But for simple models with straight walls, it does take the guesswork out of the picture and seems to get wall width pretty much right. Now more often than not, I just model the exact desired width and assume the slicer will get it right. Not very scientific but it seems to work.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
This thread is an oldie but a goodie has links to Bob's spreadsheet and website too.
Or how about this one