How do you add third-party printer profile?
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How do you add third-party printer profile?  

John Doe
Active Member
How do you add third-party printer profile?

I am currently using PrusaSlicer 2.4.2 with an MKS3+. I also have a QiDI X-one2 printer that has been sitting on the floor since I got my Prusa (about a year ago). I want to start using that printer in addition to the Prusa but can NOT see how to import the printer profile I was able to have QiDi send me. The file [PrusaSlicer_XONE2.ini] was generated by PrusaSlicer 2.4.1+win64 on 2022-05-03 at 06:10:07 UTC.

The vendor is NOT listed on the import wizard. When I go through the process as documented, it allows me to manually configure the details but that is not what I am looking to do. I am wanting to import the profile I got from the vendor. How? Thanks!

Napsal : 03/05/2022 11:48 am
Illustrious Member
RE: How do you add third-party printer profile?

It wont be in the wizard unless Prusa add it.

Open PS.  Use File>Import>import config and select the .ini file you were sent.  That should update the profiles currently in use with the details from the .ini file they sent you.  If they did the usual manufacturer half assed job then it will probably update all 3 profiles and not just the printer.  Anyway once loaded, go to the Printer Profile tab and CAREFULLY check everything in there to make sure it looks sensible.  Including the Custom start and end gcode.
Once you are satisfied there is nothing damaging in there you then have to Save the Profile.  Just like saving any other modified profile.  The little disk icon if you are aware.  Just save it with a suitable name (cant use any of the system names) and bingo you now have a new printer profile that you can select and use.

Napsal : 03/05/2022 12:20 pm
sumi se líbí
RE: How do you add third-party printer profile?

I follow these steps (importing a config bundle) but it doesn't seem to "stick. I just don't know what I'm doing.

Napsal : 23/10/2023 10:51 am