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Delta nose scratch the bed  

New Member
Delta nose scratch the bed

Hi to all,


I have an heavily (Haydn rods, Duet wifi, smart effector, Hiwin rails, Gates belts, Berd air) modified Anycubic Kossel delta and I am a long time user of S3D, but now I locking to change to Prusa slicer. I followed the wizard and configure my printer to use Prusa slicer. All went good, but when I tried to print something the nose scratch the bed. In S3D I have a script (Filament Frenzy) to help to prime the hot end. I ported that script over Prusa with all the settings (speeds, retraction, cooling, ...).

At the start up I have a G28 and G29 command with a 9 points followed by that Frenzy script. The Duet reports 0.01 correction, but the nose still dive into bed and the only thing to do is to stop the printer and rehome. I really what to understand why this is happening since everything is working properly in S3D.


Thank you


Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2022 4:03 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Delta nose scratch the bed

116 views and no advice ....

Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2022 6:49 pm