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Compile on Mac Monterey  

Trusted Member
Compile on Mac Monterey

hi i tried to compile prusaslicer with the instructions on github but this fails has anyone had success on mac monterey?




Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2023 3:59 pm
RE: Compile on Mac Monterey

Compile? Is there a reason you can't run the GUI installer?



Veröffentlicht : 16/01/2023 3:22 am
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Compile on Mac Monterey

Which gui installer do you mean? Look in the link then you will understand...

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2023 1:39 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Compile on Mac Monterey

I think they are questioning *why* you would need to compile at all, as surely you can just install the compiled version.

Of course if you want to make changes to the software for your own purposes then of course you need to be able to compile it yourself.  Also previously compiling from GitHub would get you access to all the new goodies before release, although at the risk of running into development bugs. 

That's not the case with 2.6 though as all that is being done elsewhere in a private repo it seems.  Not that I have a problem with that, makes sense as why give the people building slicers based on PS the heads up before hand.  Let them play catch up AFTER its released rather than them releasing before you do.

Cant help with your question though and these types usually get answered faster when asked on GitHub.

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2023 2:44 pm