Cleaning inperfections on the perimeter
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Cleaning inperfections on the perimeter  

New Member
Cleaning inperfections on the perimeter

Hi guys,

I am printing an enclosure and can't get rid of some "slot" on the perimeter. It seems the printing is going outside inside in that point. It has something to do probably with the shape inside the enclosure (bellow on the picture).

When I had different stl export, the "slot" was on a different place and different.

What slicer settings might help with this issue?

Thank you.

Postato : 06/02/2020 6:56 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Cleaning inperfections on the perimeter

Thats your layer seam.  Its where the start/end of a layer happens.  There are options on where to place it and on default the slicer will try and hide it in a corner but with rounded shapes that's not possible.  The option is under Print Settings>Seam Position.  You can choose to have them aligned or at the rear etc.  Best placement depends on the model though and what its used for.  For example if its something that you are going to sand then sometimes having them aligned makes it easier to sand them away. Others random works.

The shape of your model is influencing where the slicer it putting the start/end of a layer.

Its very difficult to completely get rid of them unless printing in vase mode (which only applicable for single wall no infill models).  Carefully tuning your filament settings for extrusion etc can reduce the size of the seam but as I say its something you have to do for each individual filament in practice.  Just one of those things with FDM printing.

Postato : 06/02/2020 12:56 pm