Cant print multiple objects anymore in PrusaSlicer
For some reason when I drag a second .3mf object to the bed in PrusaSlicer it removes the first one not allowing me to print multiple objects anymore. Is there a setting I have wrong or something? I used to do this all the time and fill the bed up but something has changed and I cannot do this anymore.
Thanks for the help!
Best Answer by Diem:
If you open a .3mf as a project it imports settings and objects that override whatever was there before - but if you import them the objects are added to the current project and can share a build sheet.
If you open a .3mf as a project it imports settings and objects that override whatever was there before - but if you import them the objects are added to the current project and can share a build sheet.
RE: Cant print multiple objects anymore in PrusaSlicer
Yeah that did it, thanks for the explanation, I understand now. 😎