can I print from Prusa slicer directly to Prusa mini?
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can I print from Prusa slicer directly to Prusa mini?  

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can I print from Prusa slicer directly to Prusa mini?

Question is, can I print from Prusa slicer directly to Prusa mini?

I am connected via LAN top Prusa Mini and I configured prusa link and API key in Prusa slicer, test works ok.

I thought I can print directly to prusa mini from prusa slicer but when I try printing  it says "upload failed. no suitable storage found at <IP>"

So, I insert a flash  drive in mini and try printing again and it tells me "you are exporting binary gcode... make sure you run firmware 5.1.0" which I do.

Printing then proceeds.

can someone elucidate how this process should work? Ho do i get rid of that "binary code" error?

also, discovered that prusa link uses "maker" as username and password is the API key (same key that I entered in slicer properties for mini printer).

can this be changed?


Postato : 05/12/2023 8:33 pm