'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing
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'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing  

Active Member
'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing

Updated to the new slicer and when I slice more complex or full plates of models I usually get a bad allocation error. Also says I may be reaching the limits of my RAM. 

Haven't run into this issue before but I did end up putting another 8GB of RAM in to see if that would help. 

Now I just get to the Error faster haha. 

Anyone have an idea what this may be and how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance!

Publié : 02/10/2019 4:37 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Membre Admin
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing

Aren't you running a 32bit slicer on a 64bit machine?

Maybe you are generating a gyroid infill on a huge model?

It helps us the most if you open a ticket at https://github.com/prusa3d/slic3r/issues and provide as much as possible information to the issue, including your PrusaSlicer project file. Thank you.


Publié : 02/10/2019 8:03 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing


Thanks - Yea I noticed last night that I'm running 32 bit slicer on a 64bit machine...cant find any other options when downloading the new slicer. There is just one button for the file. Am I blind?


Publié : 02/10/2019 12:23 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Membre Admin
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing

> Thanks - Yea I noticed last night that I'm running 32 bit slicer on a 64bit machine...cant find any other options when downloading the new slicer. There is just one button for the file. Am I blind?


I have to check with the guy who made the Windows installer. Did you install the drivers package, or did you install the zip file from github?

Publié : 02/10/2019 12:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing

Running the 32bit on the 64bit machine was the problem. Found the correct version file on github. There you can select 32/64bit.

Doesn't look like you can choose if downloading from prusas site.

Publié : 02/10/2019 1:19 pm
Prominent Member
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing
Posted by: @aaron-d18

Running the 32bit on the 64bit machine was the problem. Found the correct version file on github. There you can select 32/64bit.

Doesn't look like you can choose if downloading from prusas site.

Odd. I installed from the drivers package from the Prusa site on my Win10 (Windows 10 Pro v1903) laptop and the installer correctly chose the win64 version:

Maybe there is something unique about your system that is confusing the installer. What version of Windows do you use?

I won't have access to the only Windows pre-10 (I forget if it is Win7 or Win8) that I've installed Plicer on until Monday to see which version was installed there, but I don't recall any errors being thrown when using it.

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Publié : 02/10/2019 1:26 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing

I run Win 7 x64 and the installer placed this on my machine: 

Publié : 02/10/2019 9:33 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Membre Admin
RE: 'Bad Allocation Error' When slicing

> I run Win 7 x64 and the installer placed this on my machine: 

Thanks for heads up.

Publié : 03/10/2019 6:35 am
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