Archimedean Chords line skipped
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Archimedean Chords line skipped  

Archimedean Chords line skipped

Good day,

This is my first post and English is not my first language. 🙂

I use Archimedean Chords for top and bottom fill pattern. I do realize that on most print, the Top and bottom pattern is inconsistent. Looking at the G-Code, I realize that the lines are not always printer in order. Every time a line is skipped and printer out of order, the finish is uneven. You can see it and feel it. I did my best to put side by side a picture of a test print and the G-Code as showed in PrusaSlicer in the following picture :

I use the basic setting on the MK4, 0.4 0.20mm PLA

Is there a way to ask PrusaSlicer to print the top and bottom layer Archimedean Chords in order ?

As a note, a similar situation happen with Octagram Spiral

Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2024 5:46 am