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Another brim algorithm  

Julian Stirling
New Member
Another brim algorithm

For the OpenFlexure Microscope project we have in the past had issues with part adhesion and with brim removal. Our solution to this has been to generate our own brim within OpenSCAD. The brim mechanism is quite simple and general and I thought I would gauge the Slicer community to see if it was something that might be worth including into Slicer itself at some point.

The algorithm is simple:

  • Offset the shape by the width of the desired brim. This sets the outer extent of the bim
  • Inset this shape by the same amount this sets the inner extent of the brim

By setting the inner extent of the brim by an inset of the outside of the brim the brim will attach to flat outer edges, convex regions, and concave regions of low curvature. However they will not attach to small gaps, small pockets, or tight concave regions.

If we do this in the CAD we can then print in Slicer by turning brim off and reducing the slice gap closing radius:


Opublikowany : 17/11/2021 4:48 pm