Adding perimeters and alternating perimeters for the bottom layer in spiral vase mode
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Adding perimeters and alternating perimeters for the bottom layer in spiral vase mode  

Eminent Member
Adding perimeters and alternating perimeters for the bottom layer in spiral vase mode

Prusa Slicer restricts the number of vertical shell perimeters to 1 when you are printing in spiral vase mode.  This, of course, makes sense because vase mode is one continuous line from the bottom to the top of the print and can only be one perimeter thick.  However - a vase often will have a solid bottom of a few or several layers.  It would be very useful to permit more than one perimeter on the bottom, and to be able to alternate an extra perimeter to lock in the bottom fill pattern.  This would create a much higher probability of a water tight bottom for the vase.  Is there any way to do this?  Cura does this very simply.

Publié : 26/01/2023 2:08 am
Illustrious Member

You can select the number of solid bottom layers you wish when in vase mode.  It's directly beneath the spiral vase mode seletion. There can only be one perimeter.


Publié : 26/01/2023 10:12 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks Diem - yes, changing the number of layers on the bottom is straightforward.  It's having a varying number of perimeters that I'm looking for that would really lock in the infill on the bottom.  It really makes for a much stronger connection of the spiral portion to the bottom layer, and also increases the chances for a water tight print.  Right now I only use Cura for spiralized prints for just this reason.  I'll put in a feature request on Github.

Publié : 31/01/2023 2:38 am
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