Option to select/confirm extruder appears sometimes not other times
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Option to select/confirm extruder appears sometimes not other times  

Ira S
Trusted Member
Option to select/confirm extruder appears sometimes not other times

I suspect I'm missing something simple, but still can't figure it out. 

I use Prusa Connect to send jobs to my 5 head XL.  I do so via the dashboard and select the .bgcode file, which then gets transferred to the printer and run.

Sometimes, the printer puts up a screen allowing me to confirm (or perhaps change) which extruder to use. Other times it skips this step.  

I like this extra step because it lets me know which print head(s) will be used (in case I screw up and forget to assign the correct one(s) while slicing. 

How do I get this step to happen all the time?  Must be something simple, but I don't see it. 


Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2024 3:54 pm
Ira S
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Option to select/confirm extruder appears sometimes not other times


Veröffentlicht : 26/12/2024 11:04 pm