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MMU2S - Where to mount spools?  

New Member
MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

I'm considering cancelling my order because I can not find any information about how to mount 5 spools on the top. Currently I'm using the Lack 2.0 enclosure and have them mounted to the top. With my setup I will cannot mount them to the wall or anywhere else. Also where do the PTFE tubes insert? Lastly, will the MMU2S be easily accessible? Anybody that has one knows they can be finicky and need to be serviced often.

I understand this is currently an unreleased product and we will know more once we get our hands on it, but dang, was hoping to find more info.

Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 2 years 3 veces por dethcookie
Respondido : 26/07/2022 9:59 pm
Miembro Moderator
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

I'm using the spools inside, you can technically place 8 spools there, to each corner

Respondido : 07/08/2022 9:35 am
Honorable Member
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

@stepik, can you please post a picture? Thank you!


I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Respondido : 07/08/2022 1:45 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

another option to place the spools:

In any case, I would not attach all the filament spools to the original Prusa frame. It is also important to plan for a buffer so that the filament does not roll off the spool during unloading.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 07/08/2022 2:09 pm
Honorable Member
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

Hi Karl, I believe this is all about the new Prusa Enclosure, not the Lack...



I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Respondido : 07/08/2022 3:46 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

I have mounted my spools on a shelf above the printer, maybe you could consider the enclosure lid, to be a shelf. 

the gap between the short and long PTFE Feed tubes, expands and contracts to prevent spilling filament off the spool when it is retracted, and closes up to allow filament to feed off the spool, when needed. 
simple but effective


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 07/08/2022 8:46 pm
halfabee me gusta
Famed Member
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

I would strongly suggest a few tweaks to help you learn to like your MMU2S.

First, in general, you will need a LOT of patience to learn to use and tweak one of these things.  If patience is something you do not have, the MMU2S is not the product for you!

My guess is that the learning curve on the MMU2S is 3-5 times as steep as the learning curve on the baseline MK3S printer.

1. Print a remixed manifold (from Printables) to use Bowden type quick-release fittings where the tubes enter the MMU.

2. Use a DPST switch (housing in the Printables section) to break both the positive and negative power leads to the MMU and 'turn off' the MMU to use the printer as a single-medium printer.  The MK3S series frame has two threaded holes which look like they were intended for something like this.

3. Print those knurled bolt extensions (again, from Printables, barely visible in the bottom photo) to conveniently adjust the tension and to quickly open the unit when (not 'if', 'when') the hobbed pulleys need cleaning or you have a jam.

As far as where to place the spools, those included spool holder things are quite handy and useful.  The included 'buffer' is a major pain in the @$$, however.

I like Joan's drawing above of the 'expand and contract gap' and if I had to do it over, that's probably along the line of what I would do.

Respondido : 07/08/2022 9:30 pm
Active Member

Here's my setup. I used the MMU PassThru Plate on the back of my cabinet to keep things straight. Mounted 5 spools on top of the Lack Table mod. Drilled 5 holes in the rear to allow for the PTFE tubes. I plan on using this Buffer as soon as I print them as it will help in the tangle that happens every so often.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years por Akentut
Respondido : 08/08/2022 1:17 am
Eminent Member
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

Thanks for all the ideas. I am growing as I learn the printer and enclosure. I suspect in about 6 months I might want to upgrade with the MMU and I was wondering how that would work. Might take some tinkering as the spools won’t fit inside for sure. 

Respondido : 10/01/2023 1:33 am
Noble Member
RE: MMU2S - Where to mount spools?

I use my own Bror enclosure (Link to my setup on Printables) but that doesn't make a huge difference for this question I suppose. I have the spools below my printer and the filament feeding tubes enter the enclosure through holes in the back wall. I do use auto-rewind spool holders instead of any buffer solutions. They needed a fair amount of optimization but have worked nicely since then. 

The big disadvantage of that setup is that changing filaments involves lying on the floor ;), but the filament path is almost perfect (as it follows the natural bend of the filament). Plus, having the spools below makes the setup more compact than having them on top or behind.

If you buy an MMU be aware that it might not be as plug and print as the Mk3s and often requires some dialing in and proper trouble shooting to get it to a reliable state. Also be aware that it is pretty wasteful (in time and material) and best for multicolour printing of the same material, printing soluble supports is possible but challenging and printing flexibles is an absolute nightmare and therefore not officially supported. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Respondido : 10/01/2023 7:33 am