Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure
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Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure  

Reputable Member
Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Hi All!

I recently built the Original Prusa Enclosure for my MK4 upgrade of my MK3 and have to say I am very pleased after using it for a bit...  I used to have a Lack enclosure for my MK3 and Mini, and pulled the trigger on the Prusa Enclosure after upgrading my MK3 to a MK4.  I also jumped on the Mini enclosure as soon as it came out, as the price was good and there was a discount for older Mini owners which was what pushed me over the edge.

There were zero problems with the assembly or use of the Original Prusa Enclosure for my MK4 in the short time I have had it.  To me, the enclosure is not any louder than my MK3 with a paver stone under the printer that was in a Lack enclosure and it seems more more solid.  I added the hinged lid, lighting, filter, and transport handles and think they are worth it

I very much like the optional hinged lid I installed on the MK4 enclosure and use it frequently.  I think I might modify my new mini enclosure to have a similar hinged lid (using the printed parts for the MK4 hinged lid and using the old Lack Plexiglass pieces) since the top of the Mini enclosure appears to be solid and not able to be opened as sent..  I have some questions...

  • Does anyone know what type of material the enclosure is made of?  I presumed Aluminum but wanted to ask if anyone knows for sure?
  • Any ideas/suggestions for the best and cleanest method to cut the top out to modify for a hinged lid?  Dremel?  Take it to someone to cut for me?  Thoughts or suggestions on that?
  • what do you all think about using the Original Enclosure hinged lid parts?

Also, I bought the lighting upgrade on the MK4 enclosure, but not on the Mini Enclosure since I have left over IKEA LED lighting from my disassembled lack and was going to use that and wanted to ask if anyone had used alternative/nonstandard lighting in their enclosure.


  • Anyone using nonstandard lighting in an Original Prusa enclosure and have any tips or suggestions?

Once I get my MINI enclosure and assemble it, I will  post updates on the mods I do or do not do and why, but I wanted to seek out others thoughts and experiences since I have not seen anything posted on it.



Edited for spelling errors....

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 04/07/2024 4:43 pm
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

I can't answer any of your questions but I am very interested in seeing how you mod the top to be opened. I am kind of bummed that the top panel is one large piece including the side profiles. Who on Earth would NOT want a nice large opening on the top?? It's perfect for easy maintenance. Instead, the MINI gets an awkward slit on the top, taunting you even more that you can barely see through but not use the lid.

Respondido : 11/07/2024 2:02 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Got mine earlier this week.

It's steel just like the Mk4 one; door is held shut with magnets in the same way.  The solid top and base makes for easier building than the Mk4 enclosure and it does feel quite sturdy.

I intend to go for for Ikea lighting inside, not started that yet.  Will be watching here and Printables!   Right now I'm thinking of bodging up a filament guide like the Mk4 enclosure uses.


Respondido : 11/07/2024 5:31 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Yes, I agree.  Especially since the assembly instructions show the insertion of the Mini at a weird angle.... I wonder if it is for stability or cost purposes....

My thoughts are that with the Original Enclosure having and option for the hinged lid, i am going to mod my Mini enclosure to be similar to the Original Enclosure before i even assemble it.  I printed a second set of the Original Enclosure hinged lid parts and will see what is possible once i get my mini enclosure.  My hope is it will not be too hard.  If necessary i will use one of the Lack acrylic pieces for the roof and kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

I will post my thoughts once i get it and get to handle it ...

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 12/07/2024 12:15 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:

You received your Mini enclosure already?  That is Awesome and I am jealous and waiting more impatiently now....

I keep hoping it wont be the 5-6 weeks of a wait as shown on the purchase page and if you received yours that is good news!  I bought mine the day I got my discount code.

I had Ikea LED lighting in my Mk3 and Mini lack enclosures (Dioder and Ledberg models) and since I upgraded to the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure my plan was to just use that.  I plan to sacrifice the Ledberg to try and wire it up with a connector to the extra spot in the control board using the thread on how to wire up other lighting types.   If that fails, I will use the Dioder which has 4 LED strips and just mount the IKEA controls right under the other light and fan controls until i can figure it out or someone smarter than me does....

I am not fully electrically experienced, but will experiment and ask questions in the other thread where people have found a couple of solutions and had sourced the correct connectors.  I just do not know if it will work or not as i am not sure what type of voltage difference between the IKEA LEDs and the enclosure LEDs...

It must be made of steel since it is magnetic, and not aluminum, but i am sure a dremel cut wheel will cut it...  I will experiment.  I do not think that part will be too hard.

stay tuned...


Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 12/07/2024 12:27 am
Eminent Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

I received my mini-enclosure today.  The one sheet says all the user information is described in the printed manual.  There was no printed manual in the box.  The link on the same sheet for assembly procedure does not work.  I found the assembly manual here: https://help.prusa3d.com/wp-content/uploads/generated/original-prusa-mini-enclosure_2148_en_2024-07-10.pdf


Respondido : 13/07/2024 6:09 am
Honorable Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

>I keep hoping it wont be the 5-6 weeks of a wait as shown on the purchase page

Unfortunately the shipment times shifted, at first my order was scheduled between 1 and 8th July, but now it shows 13th-20th July, that is already too weeks delay, and now I  expect it may be much more.

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Respondido : 13/07/2024 7:40 am
Eminent Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure


Posted by: @mgoleta-2

I received my mini-enclosure today.  The one sheet says all the user information is described in the printed manual.  There was no printed manual in the box.  The link on the same sheet for assembly procedure does not work.  I found the assembly manual here: https://help.prusa3d.com/wp-content/uploads/generated/original-prusa-mini-enclosure_2148_en_2024-07-10.pdf


The sheet does imply that there are printed instructions.  There weren't any.  But both the QR code and the URL printed next to it prusa.io/mini-enclosure worked for me.  And linked to the usual detailed Prusa style instructions.  Does anyone actually use printed intructions when the online ones are constantly improving both by Prusa and by user comments?


Respondido : 13/07/2024 9:28 am
Eminent Member

I was looking for the instructions for the packing list to make sure I wasn't missing anything.  The online instructions packing list did not match how they packaged the contents.  Everything is very straight forward for assembly.

Delivery was 6 weeks.

Respondido : 13/07/2024 5:10 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Checking my order status it indicates it should ship this week, so that is good!

I am glad you all got yours already and it only seems like a 2 week delay for me since it indicated shipping in the end of June.  That is OK with me, i understand things happen.  My Mini was ordered in October and I did not receive it until Jan/Feb of the next year, so shipping times have gotten better as Prusa has expanded.

The assembly instructions are in the help section at:  https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/1-introduction_688519   I personally prefer the online instructions to printed so I can see what other tips and tricks other users have submitted.  That was VERY helpful in my MK4 upgrade from the MK3...  That kit came with one sheet with a QR code to link to the online assembly instructions...

In the interim, I have been satisfying my urges by printing plugs and upgrade items for the enclosure so when it gets here the assembly will be ready to go at the same time.  Handles, rotating humidity indicator holder, plugs for the zip tie slots and such...


Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 13/07/2024 5:40 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

07/27/2024.  still patiently awaiting shipping of my enclosure. 🤔 🤔 🤔 

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 28/07/2024 2:51 am
New Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Yeah really looking forward to the enclosure and would be a nice addition to my workshop. I have my mini in a IKEA Platsa cabinet (without a window), so it would be great to actually monitor my prints without opening a door. I've ordered mine on June 10th, the shipment period is shifting every day. I've contacted support if my order is in some sort of delaying limbo, but they say they can't check anything (not even raise a ticket to investigate which is weird in my opinion). 

Respondido : 01/08/2024 8:13 am
Honorable Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Just be patient, my order was delayed in the shipment for a month, 4 weeks of shifting delivery date.

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Respondido : 01/08/2024 8:28 am
JBinFL y thomZ me gusta
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

I ordered June 7th, right after i got the notification email they were being sold, and my date has been shifting as well...  So i feel your pain.  It is what it is as they say in the trades..

It is probably a parts delay issue, like something is coming from a supplier that is having trouble getting shipped or something...  No too worried about it, it has happened before and I have faith it will eventually ship, as everything else has.  it is just a bit disheartening to see the estimated ship date get pushed back... ☹ 

If it is anything like  the enclosure for my MK4, I am sure it will be awesome so i am holding out.  I am just impatient...

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 02/08/2024 10:39 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

I ordered mine also on June 7th.  It shipped on July 8th.


Respondido : 03/08/2024 12:18 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Received notification this morning that my Mini Enclosure is shipping today, so this time next week I should have it!!! 😀 😀 😀 

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 26/08/2024 10:10 pm
New Member
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Mine just arrived in the mail. So all in all around 2 months waiting time. But great that its here 🙂

Respondido : 29/08/2024 4:36 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:

I received and assembled the Mini enclosure shortly after labor day (09/03/24 - 09/06/24) as FedEx had a minor issue with part of the shipment...

All is good and it is assembled with my Mini in it.  I purchased the filter with the enclosure and it came with the basic board.

I like it.  But it is definitely different and not as "modifiable" as the full size enclosure due to how it is designed. 

I did not modify the lid yet as the full-size enclosure lid parts do not fit the Mini enclosure as printed.  The mini enclosure top is a different type than the original enclosure in that the mini top  is one part.  So, if I cut out some of the top for a lid, the cut out lid would fall through without further modification, which is not optimal...  I will need to think on that a bit and come up with a plan to modify the original enclosure lid parts and re-print them as well as add some modifier parts to keep the cut out from falling through which will take some trial and error.

I had purchased some $8.00 IKEA LED lights and have them installed, but they are not as bright and not as clean of a hue as the Prusa LED.  Also, they are stick on and not sticking well to the interior of the enclosure.  I ended up purchasing the Prusa LED lights and will install that once it arrives.

I left the protective sheets on the sides and back, as I did with the MK4 enclosure, because I like the frosted glass look.  The only area were I removed the protective sheets was the front door.  it creates a better "ambiance" at night and in general and dig the look.

The one current modification I have made so far was I had some extra PTFE tube, so I printed the original enclosure filament guide parts and used that and mounted to have a clean filament insertion point.  I only used one screw to mount and mounted it to the right side of the enclosure.  That is a key addition as there were reports of the filament sensor moving from what i read..

I will continue to mod and post pictures soon. 

Overall, for the price, I like it and find it is useful and not louder than in a Lack enclosure...  to be continued.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 13/09/2024 11:24 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking forward to receiving the Original Prusa Mini Enclosure

Added some pictures.

Picture of my Filament Guide and longer PTFE tube.  It works well and makes loading filament easier. No print changes to it, I just printed the filament guide for the full size enclosure and replaced a push-thingy with an M3X8 screw and zip tied the other side of it and let it hang free

Notice I also like leaving the protective covering on the back and sides of the enclosure.  It seems to reflect the light forward making it easier to see the prints and keep the light in the enclosure.  I got the idea from the assembly instruction pictures that show the protective sheets left on in some of them, so I tried it and liked it.

Picture of both my enclosures with the Prusa LED light accessory add on.  Note the brightness and color difference compared to the IKEA LEDs in the next picture.  I even left the green strip on the top window as it adds character...


Picture showing the difference between IKEA LED vs Prusa LED accessory.  Prusa LED is clearly brighter and cleaner light.

Added a Remix 3-Sheet holder mounted to the Mini enclosure for Mini sheets with a TPU sheet damper insert to minimize vibrations causing noise... 


I added a print of the 2KG spool holder and find that useful as well.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Respondido : 26/09/2024 1:02 am
_KaszpiR_ me gusta