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Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure  

Active Member
Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

Finished assembling the enclosure last night. It took a bit longer than Robert Cowan reported on YouTube. Now for calibration with new obxidian nozzles. 

First job ahead is printing with soft-ish TPU. The challenge is getting the filament to the extruder but not via the PTFE tube.

There are no holes on the top roof to fit a connector/coupler (picture taken from below, inside) , Obviously I don't want to drill holes in my brand new $600 trophy enclosure!

It is possible to remove the top (4 screws & 2 connectors). Ideally, one should not remove the thing for every second print... 

Any suggestions?


Posted : 15/08/2024 3:09 pm
3DK liked
Trusted Member
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

Dont really know if there's a lot of choices, other that drilling holes.
I'm just going to drill holes on the top for TPU feed, haven't gotten that far yet though, so don't know if I'll make holes on the steel top or on the acrylic sheet.

Posted : 15/08/2024 8:41 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

I feel tempted to put a variation of this drybox on top of the enclosure, feeding down through a coupler in the plastic window (it feels less gross drilling plastic than the steel).

The using something like this to guide the filament






Posted : 16/08/2024 5:59 am
Estimable Member
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

The using something like this to guide the filament

I used this before I had the enclosure:
It worked well with Polymaker PolyFlex TPU95-HF. Havent' tried any softer TPU.

I'm also interested in a viable solution to feed TPU in the enclosure. 😇
The most simple solution would be to drill a hole. But I can understand, that you don't want to drill in a 600$ enclosure. 😅

Posted : 16/08/2024 9:18 am
Reputable Member
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

Remove that nearby rivet/screw, replace it with a blue festo or maybe just a short run of ptfe tube, and sneak the tpu through there?


XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork || Other advanced slicer tactics || TPU

Posted : 17/08/2024 4:55 am
Marc liked
Estimable Member
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

Alternate option -- modify the filament sensors so there's no longer any friction.

I've done this modification, for both the side sensors and the extruders, and there is now absolutely no issue pushing TPU through the PTFE tubes. Zero resistance any more from passing the sensors.

Posted : 30/08/2024 3:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

Thanks for the link, will check it out!

Posted : 30/08/2024 5:19 am
Eminent Member
RE: Printing soft TPU with original prusa enclosure

I did the mod at that replaces the springs on the side filament sensors with magnets (and that adds couplers) and it works great with TPU.

I also added couplers to one of my Creality Space Pi dual-spool filament dryer and print TPU directly from it; the setup is shown below.

Posted : 04/11/2024 3:44 pm
USAF_Paul liked