Looking for a more powerful heater.
I'm running 0.4mm HF nozzles, and I do a lot of draft quality parts for production jigs where visual quality is not critical at all.
I used to have an MK3S with0.8mm Revo and a 40W heater, and that thing could eat through a reel at 0.4mm layer height with fantastic accuracy once arachne was implemented.
The Prusa Hot End seems very bad at getting the heat into the filament. The 0.4mm nozzle is at 90% duty cycle on 0.28 layer height, and it's not even particularly quick. I don't see how the heater could keep up with an 0.6mm HF.
I'd love to get one of my nozzles transitioned over to a 60W revo with an 0.8mm High flow. Has anyone ever done this, and what are the blockages?
There were issues with the thermal modelling on the MK3 which you had disable to turn off. Is there enough power availaible to drive a 60W heater on the printer?
A revo heater and nozzle are more compact than the prusa solution, so I'm sure it could fit, but the cold side would need re-modelling to fit. Has anyone ever done this?
At this point, I'm actually tempted to pick up a used MK3S to do this, as It looks to be about 4x faster than the current XL setup. I just have large parts it can't achieve.