XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting
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XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting  

Eminent Member
XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

Bug / error report:

I just upgraded to 6.1.3, and the two prints that I started with prusa connect both had an issue about "fan not starting, check for debris, and cabling" (or something along those lines).

The print then starts after pressing "continue" (or ok?).

I then cancel the print, and the enclosure option in "control" is ticked off. I enable it again, it shows a "checking fan" message, then no error message, and enclose menu is ticked on.

I then restart the print via the printer menu, and no error message, and fan is working normally.


Publié : 16/09/2024 7:14 pm
Stephen J a aimé
Stephen J
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

I have the same issue - same error message.  I keep printing (as you did) but rather than cancelling the print, I just select the "Tune" menu and go down to "Enclosure" and activate it.  The enclosure fan then springs into life.  This is despite previously enabling the enclosure in the "Control" menu.

Posted by: @noeg

Bug / error report:

I just upgraded to 6.1.3, and the two prints that I started with prusa connect both had an issue about "fan not starting, check for debris, and cabling" (or something along those lines).

The print then starts after pressing "continue" (or ok?).

I then cancel the print, and the enclosure option in "control" is ticked off. I enable it again, it shows a "checking fan" message, then no error message, and enclose menu is ticked on.

I then restart the print via the printer menu, and no error message, and fan is working normally.



Publié : 05/10/2024 5:04 am
Gilles buildmaster
Active Member
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

Same here. About 50-50 chance that it gives this error at the start of any given print. It then just prints without starting the fan after I acknowledge.

Then I can start the fan in the tuning menu without problem, like Stephen J indicated.

Feels like a software issue, a check value is set to tight, or the fan is not given enough time to spin up or such.

Publié : 07/10/2024 6:54 pm
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

Just chiming in to add that I'm having the same issue with my brand new XL and I'm happy to see that I most likely didn't mess up the assembly. 😆 

Publié : 08/01/2025 6:00 pm
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

I have the same issue with my new XL. It worked without problems for the first two months, but then this error suddenly appeared. I suspect it's a software issue.

Publié : 19/01/2025 12:05 am
Eminent Member
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

Yes my XL5T is doing the same fan warning when you send a print and fan not coming on.

Publié : 26/01/2025 4:21 pm
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

Same issue ongoing, but you don't haveto restart print, just go to tune menu and enable enclosure. At least for me starts fine then. I think it's a start up sequence issue, where too many thinks are started at the same time, if enclosure fan would have a delayed start would probably be just fine.

Publié : 31/01/2025 11:27 am
Kurt Gluck
Eminent Member
RE: XL enclosure issue (with prusa connect) - Fan not starting

Same problem here, anyone have any idea of a fix?

Publié : 14/02/2025 10:49 pm
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