Faild Printbed location during print
Since firmware 6.1.3 I have the problem with every print that the printbed calibration fails, from Z 10 mm the printer assumes that the printbed is 5 cm further to the left, which is not correct. As a result, the extruder crashes into the left frame and loses the print head.
I have re-sliced the model again and again, with different settings, but nothing works.
Does anyone have a solution?
I had a similar issue suddenly today. And when cancelling the print, tool 2 which was in use crashed into parked tool 1…
Also interested to hear if anyone has a solution
Same firmware version 6.1.3
RE: Faild Printbed location during print
Hi, I found the Problem, the belt guiding was not correct. This caused a lot problems beginning with faild prints, a false X/Y calibration and the not working dock-position calibration.
I opened a second thread with a description in the third post (but this post is still in moderation line and not public yet)
RE: Faild Printbed location during print
Interesting, thanks for your update
Personally I reverted to previous firmware 6.1.2 and the problem hasn't showed up again (yet)