Spool Join when printing via Octo or Repetier / Define in Prusa Slicer
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Spool Join when printing via Octo or Repetier / Define in Prusa Slicer  

Spool Join when printing via Octo or Repetier / Define in Prusa Slicer


how can I define the spools that should be joined in prusa slicer, in order to allow spool join ?

I know, it is possible when printing from local USB stick !

When using octoprint or repetier server, I have not found a way to select which spools should join, neither while printing at the printer display, nor when slicing using prusa slicer..

Veröffentlicht : 11/01/2024 1:17 pm
DanielW gefällt das
Active Member
RE: Spool Join when printing via Octo or Repetier / Define in Prusa Slicer

I am also wondering if this will work as well.  Did you ever find an answer?

Veröffentlicht : 10/06/2024 7:33 pm
Active Member
RE: Spool Join when printing via Octo or Repetier / Define in Prusa Slicer

This would be great as i mainly use Octoprint.  

Veröffentlicht : 16/06/2024 12:48 am